Chapter 5

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A warm light rests on my face, beckoning me, while a small choir of chirping birds wakes me up. I groan when I feel a sting coursing through my body while lifting myself up. I sigh. I'm exhausted.

The door to the left gently slides open, several footsteps following afterward. A glance is all it takes for my mouth to drop. It's a whole crowd.

"(L/N)! How are you feeling?" asks Conan, walking towards me, while Inspector Meguru asks Ran to inform a doctor about my conscious state. Mr Kogoro sits down on a stool next to me while Officer Takagi and Sato stand nearby.

"I, uh, I... Good?"


Then a doctor and nurse rush into the room and sends everybody out: "Hello, (L/N)-san, I just want to ask you a few questions to make sure you feel okay."

I answered nearly none of them, struggling to inform them of my background as they couldn't possibly have records of me or my family. In this world, they're... non-existent. Exactly what I'm meant to be in this universe.

The results come back fairly quickly; the doctor states that I have severe amnesia from several concussions, retaining only recent events. All I can give him is a blank and accepting look, not surprised by his diagnosis- rather glad that I now have an excuse when struggling to answer specific questions. However, the news is taken as quite a shock from the crowd earlier: their faces drop and become pale.

My eyes trail lower down, searching for a child's face, curious of Conan's expression. Unsurprisingly, his mouth is agape and his pupils freeze from distress.

"Do you remember when we were at the theme park?" He desperately questions, rushing to my side, clutching onto the bed frame. "It rained a lot that day and we tripped over lots too so we ran home! We went to Agasa Hakase's house in the evening."

"Now, now, Conan-Kun," Ran says. "The doctor just said-"

"But she might remember something!" he yells, insisting: the adults look at him with pity.

His eyes inspect me for a speck of hope; the loneliness overwhelms him. All he wants is a clue, a hint, that I know I'm not meant to be a child. That I have been fed the APTX drug.

"I remember that day clearly, Conan-Kun." I smile weakly.

He immediately relaxes from relief, letting out a breath that he didn't know he held: "I'm so glad..."


The doctor allows me to leave the hospital, exclaiming that my wounds are strangely minor, healing unusually quickly. All I need to do is have regular checkups until full recovery.

The officers leave and all that remains is the Mouri family, Conan, and Agasa Hakase. I can tell it's going to be time to go home soon, which means that I will have to part ways with Conan.

A pang of disappointment punches my heart, leaving me sighing softly under my breath. I glance at Conan only to see him sadly staring at Ran.

Hakase whispers to me that "Ran had been worried about Shinichi but kept up a cheerful expression at home to not worry anyone".

My face drops and my eyes glue to the floor as I come back to reality. Conan, Shinichi, loves her.

I'm just a stranger to him.

Perhaps it's my gloomy expression that draws Ran's attention and suggests an idea: "(L/N)-chan, why don't you stay over the night?"

Everyone turns to her, confused.

She smiles innocently and says "A sleepover with Conan-Kun."

Before anyone can interject I meekly agree, suppressing the smile that is trying to form on my face.

When we all get in the car, she smiles a little proudly and whispers in my ear: "You wanted to spend time with Conan-Kun, right?"

My face flushes red and my hands become clammy.

She gives me a cheeky smile in return, giggling in success.


hello ^^ 

It's been very long since I last uploaded. I sincerely apologise.

Initially, I faced some personal problems so I couldn't write this chapter but when that issue cleared out, I strangely couldn't access my writing so I spent a while trying to fix the technical issue. When I eventually did, I faced writing block, leading to procrastination, and eventual avoidance. 

I should've at least mentioned this problem during that time but I didn't so I'm very sorry about this. 

To be honest, I doubt I'll be able to promise a date for the next update but I have completed quite a large chunk of the next chapter so hopefully it will be uploaded soon :) 

please leave gentle criticism :,)

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