Chp 6

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Han could feel eyes burning into the side of his head. He sighed, "Go ahead and ask?" They all had been curious, but it was Dom who asked, "How long have you been a vampire? I'm just trying to understand how none of us noticed."

The other supernatural beings in the cinema noticed Stefan stiffen. Han was about to reveal one of the times Stefan went Ripper and nobody knew about it, not even Damon. Han cast a glance to where Stefan was sitting before he began his story, "I was turned August 19, 1942, in a Hong Kong prison encampment. I was sentenced to death by firing squad for being a deserter. While I was bleeding to death from the gunshot wounds, the encampment was being raided by the US. One soldier broke off from his unit, took out the firing squad."

Damon remembers his brother had enlisted into the military during this time, so he couldn't help but wonder if Han was talking about Stefan. Damon tuned back into Han's story but kept his eyes on Stefan.

"The whole time I was listening to the gunfire, and screams, I could hear someone laughing. It wasn't until the screaming stopped that someone stood over me. I didn't know whether to just lay there and accept my fate or scream. All I remember before passing out was this American soldier standing over me covered in blood and a very mischievous smile. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in transition. The American stayed with me long enough to tell me that he felt sorry for me, so he turned me. Showed me what to do and then he rejoined his troop."

Stefan exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding after Han had finished telling his story. He didn't realize Damon figured it out or Klaus for that matter. But neither brought it up.

After Han had finished his story, Roman was a little confused, "But, I thought vampires can't go out in the sun? I've seen you in the sun, on a beach." That got most of the cinema to laugh and lessen the tension. Han held up his right hand and wiggled his fingers showing a ring with a Lapis Lazuli stone, "A gift of thanks for helping a witch escape some wannabe gangsters pretending to be Yakuza in the late 1950's."

"What about blood?" Letty asked. Han smirked, "Blood bags from hospitals or blood banks. But I prefer the snatch, eat, erase method." Han can see the unasked question in Dom's eyes, "I haven't killed anyone in decades, not even those who deserve it."

The cinema was quiet for a moment, so Jesse took the opportunity to un-pause the movie.

Shortly after the montage, Amelia is shown walking out of an auto shop with some parts tucked under one arm on the way to her car. As she is unlocking the car to set the parts inside, a few motorcycles are heard getting louder. Amelia goes to get in her car when she is blocked by an arm belonging to Lance Nguyen. She scrunches her nose in disgust as she watches him look her up and down, "What do you want Lance?"

"Well, hello to you too," Lance scoffed at her rudeness. "Was in the area, I thought we would say, hi." Amelia snorted, "Yeah, right." She turns to look inside the auto shop where the clerk is watching, knowing the clerk called Lance, "You just lost the Toretto account!" The clerk's eyes widened, and his face became pale knowing he has lost their most profitable client, also knowing he has lost his job.

Dom was proud of his long-time friend and pseudo-sister, "Damn straight they did." Vince, now knowing the reason they had to get almost all of their parts shipped to the garage or from out of town, he was pissed. Vince points to the screen, "You let her make that decision?" Dom doesn't even turn to Vince, "You know damn well Lance is not to go near Amelia after he assaulted her. Your obsession with my sister has caused brain damage. Keep it up Vince, see how far you can stretch my patience."

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