Chp 11

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Jesse's voice once again is heard, "Shaw family. You have less than a minute when I bring in Amelia. She has a tracker."

"Shit!" Owen, Deckard, and Queenie stand up. Queenie moves closer to Nora, "We should push the chairs out of the way." Owen and Deckard move the chairs closest to them. Then Deckard discretely pulls a small dagger from his boot. As Nora and Damon get up to help move the chairs, Queenie looks at Elijah and Klaus, "You'll want to hold onto Damon." Damon stops pushing the last chair out of the center of the cinema to ask, "Why?" Queenie pursed her lips, "You're not going to like what happens."

Before Damon could respond, Amelia appears. She is swaying on her feet, and her ears are bleeding. The right side of her neck is pulsing with a red glow. The supernaturals can hear a beeping in time with the pulse. Amelia loses her balance and falls to the ground where Owen and Deckard quickly move to hold her still. Or try to.

Owen is straddling her torso with her arms pinned to her sides, his hands are holding her head still, facing the left, exposing the right side of her neck to his brother Deckard. Amelia doesn't understand what is going on, she is screaming and trying to buck off the person sitting on her. She screams even louder when she feels a searing pain as someone cuts into her neck. The pain worsens when Deckard uses his fingers to grab the small, pulsing tracker from just under her skin.

Deckard stands up, drops his dagger, and tosses the tracker out of the cinema and towards the beach. Seconds after hitting the sand it explodes, sending a mountain of sand into the air. All the while Damon is struggling against the Original's hold on him. Nora is being held in place by Stefan as they watch Damon struggle against the Originals. Elena took this opportunity to try and approach the elder Salvatore, "Damon! Calm down. Okay, it's okay. I'm here. I'm here." Nora had enough of the whiny, attention-seeking brat and used magic to snap her neck. Stefan picked up Elena and tossed her into her seat, not so gently causing the chair to fall over and Elena tumbled onto the ground with her neck bent at an odd angle. Both Vince and Katherine laughed at her misfortune.

When the tracker was removed, Owen got off Amelia and moved out of the way. Seeing this, Damon eventually calmed down enough to be let go and went to kneel next to his wife, who was already by Amelia's side. Nora held Amelia's face in her hands, "Baby? Look at me." Amelia's eyes were heavy-lidded, and she was barely conscious. Nora lifted Amelia to sit up and look her over for other injuries. "Her ears are bleeding," Nora looked to Damon for help. He flashed to the bar and grabbed an empty, clean glass, bit into his wrist and filled the glass halfway.

The rest of the cinema watched as Amelia was coaxed into drinking. Tej leaned closer to Dom, "Damn, that was intense. Wonder what happened?" Dom shrugged, "We'll find out soon, I'm sure." Klaus had positioned himself behind Amelia to help her sit up as she drank Damon, her father's, blood. Damon did not like what he saw. He glared at the Original Hybrid, who had a smug look on his face. Nora brushed her daughter's hair out of her face, "Amelia? Come on, baby. Open your eyes."

Amelia's eyes slowly open and sees the face of her deceased mother. Her voice is hoarse from screaming, "Am I dead?" Nora smiles, "No, baby. It's a long story but I'm here." Nora stands up and goes to help Amelia stand but Klaus beats her to it, "Come on, love." He grasps her under the arms and carefully stands her up. Amelia stumbles a bit from her equilibrium being off. She would have fallen if Klaus still didn't have a hold of her.

Damon steps in, "I got her." The elder Salvatore didn't like the idea of Klaus being so close to his daughter and wanted to remove him from Amelia. The new voice next to her had Amelia turning in his direction, "Who are you?" She keeps her eyes on Damon until Nora clears her throat, "That's part of the long story." Amelia looks even more confused. Nora's cheeks gain a faint blush, "Amelia, meet your father...Damon Salvatore." "My father," Amelia looked at Damon for a brief second before fainting.

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