Chp 10

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Damon came back to his seat with his leather jacket in one hand and a half empty Top-Shelf bottle of Bourbon in the other. He wasn't going to bother with a glass at this point, but Nora took it from him, "I need you coherent for this. Amelia needs you too." Damon was feeling murderous, he wanted to kill all those that hurt his daughter and his wife. So, he reluctantly nodded in agreement and let the expensive alcohol be taken from him.

Nora set the bottle down next to their seat out of Damon's reach, putting it closer to the center of the room where Katherine quickly swiped it and returned to her seat. With every drink she took she would bite her tongue, letting her blood mix with the alcohol knowing the human next to her would eventually drink some. Not one to be left out, Vince grabbed the bottle and took several gulps. He unknowingly swallowed some of the vampire's blood.

Everyone got comfortable as the screen came back on right where the scene left off...

Detective Whitworth had moved Amelia to a nearby building that was being used as a lab for processing Cocaine. Several women sat in stations doing different tasks in just their undergarments and a face mask so they don't breath in the chemical fumes. In a room further inside the building, Amelia laid on a metal table as an unknown man with medical forceps pulled the bullet out of Amelia's arm.

The man was cursing in Portuguese as he pulled the bullet out and began to stitch the wound close. Amelia's screams were still muffled from the duct tape. Detective Whitworth shook his head, "You should just give in. Carter plans on not letting you go. He has outbid every buyer interested in you. You think you're pissing him off but he only sees you as a challenge. A new, shiny toy that he wants to break. Just like that undercover agent sleeping next to him for the past year."

Brian and Roman sighed and shook their heads. If Det Whitworth knew about the undercover agent then that means Verone knew about her too.

Amelia had stopped screaming but still whimpered in pain as the wound was bandaged. The Detective leaned over her, "Carter wants me to move you from the boathouse to a secret location. So, I'm going to step out and make a few phone calls while you change your clothes. Can't have you sitting in my car and damaging the interior." The man that treated the wound handed Amelia some clothes that were left by a girl that was recently caught trying to smuggle out some of the Cocaine. He followed the detective out of the room and locked the door from the outside.

Dom, Letty, and Mia couldn't help but laugh. They knew how resourceful they all can be when in a bind. This just gave Amelia an opportunity. Nora knew it too, her snicker was caught by her husband. Damon whispered in her ear, "What's so funny?" Nora turned her head to look at him, "Our daughter is very resourceful." This was all she said as she turned back to the screen.

Amelia quickly put the dingy clothes on. Then she peeled the duct tape off her mouth, bending over to cough up the mushed herb that was shoved into her mouth. Spitting the last of it out, Amelia stood up, "Fucking Witch Hazel. Burns like a mother fucker." She looks around the room and the glass cabinets filled with chemicals, some of which were flammable. Amelia smirks at the idiots that locked her in the room.

She opens one of the cabinets and searches through the chemicals, looking for specific ones. "Aha," Amelia found the chemicals needed to make a self-igniting molotov cocktail. She carefully mixes everything into two separate glass bottles.

Dom leans back and turns to face Vince with a smirk, "And you said Advanced Chem and Physics was a waste of time." Vince huffed and crossed his arms in a pout. Deckard had been observing the others in the cinema, he spoke to Vince as well, "You know you're not leaving here alive, right?" Vince straightened in his seat, his words a little slurred, "Is that a threat?" Deckard smirks, "It's an observation, mate." Vince panned around the cinema and saw the many supernaturals glaring at him with malice.

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