1. John ward x Reader

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Requested by: vaiden5

This one's yours! Hopefully you don't get it mixed up with the other one's- especially since you both have the same concept lmao


“Oh no.. Oh no no no..”


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Dread. All he felt was dread.

John heaved out heavily, his eyes wide as he stared at your body.

“I.. I wasn't.. able.. to..” He mumbled out, kneeling down and grabbing your body and hugging it closely as he wept.

“I'm so sorry..” He said, closing his eyes tightly, wondering where it all went wrong. “I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry..”

Why does this have to happen? First his childhood friend, and now his lover.

“..My love..” He sobbed. “I was too.. slow.. I'm so sorry, I couldn't save you. I did my best to come here as soon as possible, but I can assume it wasn't fast enough..”

He expected your body to hug him back, to explain that you were just playing with him, that you were alright.

“Lord, help me.. somebody please, help me..” He spoke out, connecting his two palms together. “I can't handle losing anyone else, I don't want to lose anyone else.”

‘ I  H E A R  T H E E ’

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I  H E A R  T H E E

John heard a rumble when it spoke, and looked up in desperation, seeing a white figure staring down at him.

‘ J O H N, S O N  O F  M A N, 
W H A T  D O S T  T H O U  W I S H ? ’

“This is too much for me.” He felt pathetic that he was this desperate. “I'm so afraid. Please let me escape this place.”

‘ A N D  T H E  G I R L ?
W H A T  A B O U T  T H E  B O Y ? ’

It spoke, motioning towards the body John held so dearly. He couldn't respond about you.

“I just want to go home..” ..with him, was what he wanted to say.

‘ I F  I  L E A D E S T
T H O U  T O  S A F E T Y . . .
T H E I R  F A T E  S H A L L  B E
S E A L E D  U P O N  T H I N E  H E A D. ’

John looked down at you, seeing your bloody body made his own boil with anger; and although reluctant..

“..I'll do whatever you want. Just take me away from here.” He begged, gripping the body tighter. ‘I don't want to see him like this anymore.’

It was silent, before responding.

‘ S W E A R  I T . ’

John looked at the figure, feeling more tears drip down his face.

“I swear it.”


The said male jerked awake, almost bumping heads with a certain boy.

Ah— Careful!” The boy pouted lightly. “You almost hit me!” John's eyes softened as he took in who was talking to him.

“(___), You're safe.” He said through bated breaths, as said male tilted his head.

“Of course!” He beamed, despite being confused. “Why wouldn't I be— wait, did you have a nightmare again!”

John's silence proved a point for you.

“Gahh!” You stuck your tongue out and reached up with both of your hands to rub his hair softly. “Out demon!! Get out of my boyfriend's head!”

John chuckled; seeing you again had made his entire day better, never mind that stupid nightmare. You were safe.

He noticed that your hands slowly slowed down until it stopped, before sliding from his head and onto his face. “I've noticed you haven't been yourself, is there anything on your mind?”

His eyes widened, before he looked away, feeling slightly guilty.

“I can see this is hard for you to open up about. It's ok to take your time. I'm not in any rush!” You giggled, patting his head.

John gulped silently. “T-Trust me, It's all because of the nightmare..”

You, taking this information as good enough, atleast for now, nodded, and kissed his cheek. “If you want to tell me more, I'm here to listen, okay?”

 “If you want to tell me more, I'm here to listen, okay?”

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{687 words.}


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