A little prologue but part 1!

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       I'm Samuel Golbach (Sam) I go to "Blue Valley High" with my friends Jake, Corey, Devyn, and Tara. I'm 16 and like boys. Every now and again I wear feminine clothes, which I get bullied for, so I mostly wear hoodies or T-shirts and skinny jeans. I'm in band, I play the saxophone and I'm pretty sure my band teacher doesn't like me. I heard we are getting a new student and I hope to be friends with them!
"Sammy!" Jake exclaims running up to me at my locker. "Jake!" I squeal hugging him. "You wouldn't let me come hangout over break you asshole." Jake huffs angrily. "Tell my dad that he kept telling me no!" I huff back. I forgot to tell you my parents got a divorce when I was 11 so I live with my dad. "You could've came to my place!" Jake yells. "Jake you know my dad wouldn't let me come over either." I sigh. "Hey d-do you know where l-locker number 525 i-is?" A boy asks shyly. "Oh you must be new! It's right next to mine!" I giggle a little. "Oh t-thank you!" The boy smiles. "Hey I'm Sam and this is Jake!" I introduce myself and Jake. "I'm C-Colby" he introduces himself. "Nice to meet you Colby!" Me and Jake smile. "Nice to meet you Sam and J-Jake!" He laughs a little bit. "We gotta get to class do you have your schedule?" I ask rushing a little. "I-I have band practice!" He reads off his schedule. "Well your coming with me then!" I exclaim leading him to the band room. "Cole! I was expecting you today!" The teacher exclaims. "Where's my i-instrument?" He asks, "Your parents ordered it so it should be here anytime this week, so just take a seat over there." The teacher explains. "Oh hey Sam" he sits next to me. "Hey, when will your instrument be here?" I ask, "He said it should be here anytime this we-" "Samuel! Cole! No talking!" The teacher cuts him off. "Sorry!" We exclaim. After class we go to our lockers putting away our books and heading to lunch. "Hey who's this?" Corey asks. "He's the new student his name is Colby!" I explain, "Nice to meet you Colby." Corey mumbles quietly. "Sammy can we come over tonight?" Jake asks. "I'll have to ask Jake." "Well do it now!" He exclaims, "Okay!" I shout at him. "Hey dad,can my friends come over? Jake Corey Devyn and Tara and my friend Colby,he doesn't know that and I wanna keep it that way dad! Yay thank you!" "So what did he say!?" Jake shouts, "He said yes!" I shout excitedly.

(Bit of a time skip)

"Come on guys!" I lead them to my car "I call front!" Tara shouts running to the car. "Damn it Tara." Jake huffs "Stop being a baby Jake!" I laugh "Like you can say something!" Jake shouts "Let's just go guys" I start pulling out of the school parking lot.

(Time skip)

"Dad I'm home!" I shout coming in with my friends "hey buddy" dad says getting up and hugging me. "Mr Golbach do you care if we all stay over tonight?" Jake asks "I don't care but I have to go in to work at 10:30 tonight so don't do anything." He looks at Jake "We won't dad!" I huff. "Well dinners in the fridge for later uh don't get in the liquor cabinet" dad explains "We won't Mr Golbach." Jake says seriously. We all go upstairs and kinda sit around playing our phones. "Is it just Me or is kinda hot in here guys?" Colby asks "We feel fine" everyone says. I watch as Colby takes his sweat shirt off, his shirt riding up a little, showing his abs and his v-line, I sit there almost red as a tomato. "Sammy you okay?" Jake asks waving his hand in front of my face "I'm f-fine" I sit there a little flustered. "Whatever you say Sammy" Jake shrugs. After a few minutes dad calls me downstairs. "Samuel!" He shouts from downstairs "Coming!" I shout back quickly running to the door. "I'm going to work make sure you get up in the morning I won't be here to wake you or your friends up" "I'll set my alarms dad" "Bye Samuel I'll see you tomorrow" "Bye dad!" I yell as he walks out the door. "Dads gone guys!" I yell running in my room "Finally I never thought he would leave!" Jake chuckles a little. A few hours later after playing video games and talking I decide to go to sleep. "I'm going to sleep guys" I yawn walking towards the stairs."You can sleep upstairs on the floor down here or someone can sleep on my bed" "Well we should go to sleep as well guys"everyone goes upstairs and discusses where there sleeping.

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