Part 18

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Kinda pre wrote part 19 so it'll come out not to long after this one! Also sorry this is so short!!

I hesitate to kiss him,my heart racing as everyone looks at us "I-I don't know.." I stutter nervously
"I'm not gonna force you too baby it's just a game." Colby says softly "thank you.." I say softly hugging him.

I sit on Colby's lap,my arms wrapped around his neck,I rest my head on his shoulder,my eyes closing slowly. As I am just about to fall asleep Colby squeezes my ass,making me jerk up,I rub my eyes and look at him "I was about to fall asleep" I whine.

I move off his lap and lay down next to him,a moment later,I feel the blanket put on me and  his arms snake around my waist and a soft kiss on my cheek.

I wake up and roll over,being met with a sleeping Colby,I lay my head on his chest,going back to sleep. I wake up again,I lean up and rub my eyes, realizing I'm on Colby's lap "I know you just woke up but I'm sorry I need you to get off my lap" Colby says,lifting me off his lap,running to the bathroom.

He comes back,looking more relieved than ever "God I had to piss so bad." Colby goes downstairs and I stay up here,sitting in a black hoodie and blue sweatpants. I get up and go downstairs, finding Colby on the couch "hey baby are you okay?" Colby asks.

I nod and walk to the kitchen,getting a drink and going back upstairs. I lay down and get comfortable under the blanket,texting on my phone,I put my phone down,falling asleep.

"babe come on." Colby says,shaking me awake "What?" I grumble,pulling the blanket over my head. "We are having dinner with my family, remember?" He says. I get out of bed and walk to the closet "what do I wear?" I ask "does your family know that we are dating?" I add "Yeah, when my mom found out she gushed to the family group chat" he sighs.

I walk downstairs with my hair curled,my makeup done nicely and a black dress that goes to mid-thigh with some black heels "Okay let's go!" Colby's dad yells,we all walk to the door, Colby's arm around my waist.

We get to Olive Garden,we sit inside,waiting for more of his family to get here "Do we get a booth seat?" Colby asks and his mother nods. Once more of his family gets here,we get seated,Colby to my left and his cousin Mason to the right of me "So what's your name?" His cousin asks "Sam" I say,holding Colby's hand "Mason don't" His mother scolds.

"Mason shut the fuck up" Colby says,leaning forward and looking at him "It's true" Mason says,winking at Colby "Mason I swear to fucking god." Colby grumbles,becoming angry "baby not at the table.." i say quietly,not wanting to cause a scene "oh your dating? Even better." Mason smirks "Mason don't make me-" "Colby stop im being serious I don't wanna cause a scene." I say, cutting him off as i put my hand to his lips.

I look at Colby,I cup his face and smash my lips on his,making him stop arguing. He takes a moment to kiss back but he does "Stop arguing." I say stern,breaking the kiss "Baby I'm just-" "I don't care stop arguing. This is a family dinner and you need to be mature about this." I say, cutting him off.


We walk to the car,hand in hand "that was delicious" I smile,laying my head on his arm as we get to the car. We get back to the house,going upstairs and getting changed.

I roll over,laying my head on Colby's chest,he stirs slightly but then wraps a arm around my waist. "Get out!" Colby exclaims "Get the fuck out of my room!" He exclaims again,I wake up to see Gage in his room "Mom!" Colby shouts.

We lay on the bed,his head on my stomach and his arms wrapped around my waist,music playing softly in the background. "I love you" Colby mumbles,kissing my lower stomach "I love you too" I say softly,playing with his hair.

I wake up a hour later,Colby's head still on my stomach,his arms tightly around my waist "Sam are you awake?" Allison whispers,opening the door "yeah" I whisper "can i talk to you?" She asks softly and I nod.

I walk downstairs with Allison and we sit down on the couch,I scan her face,seeing her eyes become glossy "Allison what's going on?" I ask and she bursts out in tears,I wrap my arms around her,hugging her tightly as she wraps her arms around me. "My crush got a girlfriend!" She sobs "oh allison,honey you don't have to cry about that" I say softly,hugging her.

Once she stops crying,I kiss her forehead "calm down it'll be okay im sure you can find someone sweetheart" I say softly,running my fingers through her hair.

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