Part 3

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"Hey!" Tara exclaims sitting next me "Hi!" I wave "Hey we gotta get Devyn so what's with that?" Corey asks "Shit uhm." Jake trails off "Sam sit on Colby's lap." Jake looks at me through the mirror "What, no!" I exclaim "Just do it you can't sit anywhere else!" Jake looks at Colby then me "Fine." I mumble, crossing my arms. "Tara!" Devyn exclaims opening the door "Devyn!" She exclaims, I look up to see Jake staring at me through the mirror, motioning me to sit on Colby's lap, I move onto his lap so Devyn can get in "Ready!" Devyn exclaims and Jake drives off. "Dude you have a boney ass." Colby says repositioning "Sorry." I mumble getting on my phone "Quit being a baby!" Jake says "I'm not being a baby!" I say "Can you scoot back?" Colby whispers "Sure." I sigh moving back. Colby let's out a little grunt as I move and I giggle quietly looking out the window "We're here!" Corey shouts "Finally!" Tara says, I get out and stretch then walk to the trunk "Pop the trunk please!" I shout "Got it!" Jake says. I lean forward and grab the bag with my swim trunks and close the trunk "Us first!" Devyn shouts pulling Tara to the bathroom, after they get changed Jake goes in then comes out same with Corey, after I get changed we wait for Colby when I get a message and I check it and it says "Colby 🫶 sent a message." I get on Snapchat to see what he sent. "You ready for this?" "Yup." After he comes out I blush quickly covering my face "Let's go swim guys!" Jake shouts walking to the pool "Sweet we're the only ones here!" Colby exclaims "Fuck yeah!" Corey shouts jumping in the pool. I get in the hot tub with Devyn and Tara "So what's with you two?" Tara looks at Colby then me "I-I don't k-know." I mumble picking at my nails "Girls come here!" Jake shouts "Coming!" Tara and Devyn exclaim getting out "Hey." Colby says getting in "Hey." I mumble looking at him "Can we talk?" He looks at me "S-Sure." I put my hands in the water "I'm just gonna get to the point." He sighs "Which is?" I ask "Sam I like you and I want you to go out with me." He looks me in the eyes, I sit there in shock staring at him "I-Is this a j-joke?" I ask "Not really." He smiles slightly "I-I-I of course!" I exclaim quickly hugging him "Safe to say I can do this now?" He asks "W-What?" I move and look at him, He smiles looking me in the eye and he quickly kisses me and I melt into it, my stomach filled with butterflies. We jump in the pool holding hands as everyone moves, "It's cold!" I shout "Here." Colby grabs me and hugs me "Thank you." I blush slightly "Do I have the right to call you love birds now?" Jake asks "No!" Me and Colby laugh. I lay my head on his, happy with what had happened previously "Okay guys we gotta get Sam home before his mom bitches at us." Jake sighs sadly "You can stay." I move my head "Yes!" Tara squeals "EEEEE!!" Devyn squeals as well, after we all get changed and into the car we head to my moms "Alright we're here." Jake yawns I wake up and look around then quickly get out of the car. After we get inside, I get in my bag, grab my sweats and a T-shirt and change in the bathroom "We are going to sleep guys." Tara says cuddling into Jake "Us as well." Corey yawns "Okay." I mumble turning the lights off, after I lay down, I put my on Colby's chest quickly falling asleep. After I wake up, I look around to everyone gone so I get up and go downstairs "Morning love bird." Jake looks at me "Fuck you." I mumble flipping him off, I walk over to Colby and sit on his lap putting my head on his shoulder "Morning baby." He whispers,kissing me softly "M-Morning." I whisper smiling slightly "Awww!" Devyn and Tara squeal "Whatever." Colby looks at them and back at me "Love you." He whispers "I-I love y-you too." I whisper. We look in each other's eyes after a second or two I look at his lips but quickly back at his eyes smiling slightly "I've gotta run some errands don't do any dumb shit." Mom yells slamming the front door "No offense Sammy but your moms a bitch sometimes." Jake says "None taken!" I laugh a little "Let's play video games guys!" Corey says going upstairs "Coming!" Jake says "Ooo we wanna watch!" Tara and Devyn exclaim. Everyone goes upstairs leaving me and Colby alone "So.." he trails off "W-We should go u-upstairs." I say awkwardly getting up "Yea." He says. We get upstairs to see that they were playing video games but Tara and Devyn weren't watching at all "Did you guys come up here with them on purpose?" I ask "Of course not!" Tara exclaims "Devyn?" I look at her "Yes." She looks at me "Really Devyn you weren't supposed to tell him!" Tara shouts "Sorry!" Devyn exclaims "Come here baby." Colby sits down. I sit down next to him laying my head on his shoulder,he puts his hand on my thigh rubbing it with his thumb slowly "You guys look adorable!" Devyn squeals "Leave the lovebirds alone babe." Corey looks at her "It's not like we fucked yet so quit saying that!" I shout "We could change that." Colby looks at me "That's fucking gross." I look at him "What?" He pecks my lips "There's people in here and they don't wanna fucking hear about it!" I exclaim "We could leave if you want us too." Jake looks at me "No I don't wanna be alone with this horny fuck!" I shout "Hey horny fuck ain't the right words, and I was just saying we could!" Colby exclaims "No wonder I called you a horny fuck!" I shout. He stares at me for a moment,then smashes his lips on mine, I move my hand,tangling my fingers in his hair he moves his hands onto my waist, squeezing slightly "F-Fuck you." I move my head "Works every time." Colby smirks "Shut u-up!" I shout untangling my fingers from his hair "Shit I gotta get home" Jake says "Well we need you to drop us off!" Corey exclaims "Love you Sammy see you Monday!" He rushes "Bye!" Tara and Devyn shout running downstairs "B-Bye!" I shout "Bye dude." Colby says "Come here baby." He pats his lap "Oh fine." I sigh getting on his lap "Your so cute baby." He smiles squeezing my butt "No!" I smack his arm playfully "Your ass is so squish-able if that makes since" he smiles "Well I said no!" I ruffle his hair "Will you fucking fix it?" He asks "Of course!" I bounce slightly "Please don't do that." He moves me a little "Why you not like it?" I smirk moving back to where I was before "S-Stop." He puts his hands on my thighs "You angry baby?" I slowly grind on him "F-Fuck." He grunts "Oh m-my god." I moan out purposely "Fuck baby." He groans pushing my waist down. I put my hands on his chest gently putting my lips on his,making a rough make out, he removes his lips taking his shirt off quickly connecting our lips again. Colby flips us over,me on the bottom him on top, he pins my hands above my head kissing me, he takes my shirt off tossing it somewhere in my room he takes his pants off, leaving him in his boxers, he pulls at the waistband of my pants and I lift my hips up and he pulls them off. "Let me know if I'm hurting you baby." He looks at me "O-Okay I w-will." I stutter, he slowly puts it in making me whimper quietly, "I-It hurts!" I shout "Okay baby I'll go slow."he says, he slowly thrusts back and forth,the pain turning into pleasure. "Holy fuck!" I moan out loudly as he slams into me, he leans down kissing me as he still thrusts into me "RIGHT THERE R-RIGHT THERE!" I scream out as slams into me again "F-Fuck." He groans. He slams into me a couple times making me moan loudly "OH FUCK!"I moan wrapping my legs around his waist, putting one of my hands on his back,digging my nails in,I moan "Oh shit." He grunts breathing heavy,I moan as I tangle my fingers in his hair. Colby's thrusts get sloppier,"Im c-close!" I moan out "A-Almost there!" He breathes heavily "Fuck." Colby breathes heavily "Holy shit." I breath heavy wiping my chest off, we get up and put our clothes on sitting back down and turning on a movie "What about that one?" He points at "The Kissing booth 💋" "Sure but there's a lot of kissing." I look at him "Um..maybe not!" He laughs slightly "Choose something else babe." I look back at the TV "That one!" He points at IT "Fine." I sigh. More than a few minutes in, there's a jump scare and I jump clinging onto Colby's arm burying my face into his chest "There I changed it, better?" He asks "Thanks." I nuzzle my head into his chest wrapping my arms around him slowly falling asleep. I wake up and check the time 9:55 pm "Fuck."I whisper "I'm awake you know that,right?" He looks at me "Oh sorry."I mumble getting on my phone "Colby 🫶 sent a snap." I sigh opening it to see what he sent.

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