Part 10

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I wake up to squealing from downstairs so I get up and stumble downstairs to see Jake Corey Colby Tara and Devyn around my parents as I see my father on his knee and my mother covering her mouth "Yes!" Mom squeals "Yay!" Tara and Devyn yell "Congratulations Cindy" Corey says "Yeah congrats Mrs.Golbach" Colby says "Hope it goes well" Jake says "Whatever." I mumble walking past everyone "Hey your up!" Mom yells "Don't give a shit!" I yell getting in the fridge "Samuel Be happy for me and your mother" Dad says "It's not like your gonna last" I say walking to the stairs "Yeah be happy for them Sam" Colby says making me stop in my steps "Colby." I say turning around "Sam" he says looking at me "Shut the fuck up and if your gonna be like that you can go home." I say turning back around "If I don't?" He says making Corey and Jake go "Ooo" Tara and Devyn just stand there "If you don't leave I'm gonna beat your ass." I say getting angry "No you won't" he laughs "Just fucking go if your gonna be like this!" I scream "Sam-I didn't mean it!" He exclaims grabbing my wrist and I turn around "Baby I didn't mean to upset you" he says cupping my cheeks "Let go" I huff "I'm so sorry" he says smashing his lips on mine and I put my hands on the back of his head "Jesus don't suck his face off" Jake says as me and Colby stumble upstairs. I lay on my bed as Colby keeps his lips on mine "I'm so sorry my love." He mumbles in my mouth "Mhm" I hum tangling my fingers in his hair.I gasp as he quickly shoves his tongue in my mouth and we fight for dominance with our tongues Colby winning instantly "Fuck baby" he groans disconnecting our lips "Shit" I breath out as he starts to attack my neck "Samuel get dressed we are going to eat!" Mom yells "Busy!" I yell holding in a moan as Colby finds my sweet spot "Get dressed!" She yells again. Me and Colby groan getting up and I look in my closet for something to wear "Baby." He gasps "Hm?" I hum slipping on my white dress "Your kidding?" He says holding up lingerie "I'm saving it for something special" I giggle making him groan in annoyance "Come on let's go" I smile dragging him. We all get in separate cars me and Colby get in Jakes as mom and dad take there own "Fuck" Colby groans as I push myself against him "Guys!" Corey yells "What?" Jake asks "Help! They are about to fuck!" Corey squeaks "Sam Colby" Jake says seriously "What the fuck do you want!" I whine "Quit." Jake says "Fine." I mumble laying my head on Colby's shoulder "He's just a dick" Colby whispers and I giggle quietly "More a pussy" I whisper giggling.We get to restaurant that looks very fancy and we walk to the doors as my hand is interlocked with Colby's making me smile softly "There you guys are!" Mom smiles "Is this the rest of your party?" The man asks "Mhm" Mom hums and the man leads us us to a large table and we all sit down. I stare at moms ring making me sad "I'm going to the bathroom." I say trying not to cry "Okay love you" Colby says slapping my ass "Colby!" Tara and Devyn giggle. I walk to the bathroom as I let my tears fall and I quickly lock myself in a stall crying into my knees "Sam?" I hear Jake ask "Baby you in here?" Colby adds "Yeah" I say as it comes out almost a whisper "Come out please?" Jake asks. I get up and walk out of stall looking at the ground "Oh baby it's okay." Colby says hugging me. I stand there as Colby and Jake hug me "You think we could go home?" Colby asks "Yeah go out to the car I'll get Corey and shit" Jake says walking out,me and Colby walk to the car and I lay my head on his chest "Just get in the fucking car!" Jake yells getting in himself "Why?!" They all whine "Oh..Never mind." Devyn trails off "Mine or Colbys?" He asks "C-Colby's." I stutter "Okay" he says gently. "Hey congratulations for your mom" Colby's mom smiles "Mom don't." Colby says "Oh I'm sorry" she says. I walk into his room going straight for the closet to get changed "Would you toss me my sweatpants?" Colby asks "yeah here." I mumble tossing them I grab my Pajamas and a crop top quickly getting changed and laying down "I love you" I whisper cupping his cheeks "I love you too baby." He whispers back holding my waist tighter than before as I press my lips against his softly. "Y'know.." he trails off "Hm?" I hum "It's been a while." He smirks snapping my pants against my skin "Yeah?" I say "Mhm" he hums pulling me on his lap. "Like I said baby I'm a visual learner." I say making him laugh slightly "Whatever" he chuckles placing his lips on mine. We start to make out as I sit on his lap and I feel him slowly growing hard "Mm" he hums. We continue to make out as I grind on him slowly "Fuuck." He groans pulling at my shirt,he slips his hands down my pajama pants pulling at my panties. I stand up slowly pulling my pants down making him huff "Babyy" he whines "Hm looks like I need to shower." I say pulling my pants up and walking to the bathroom "Son of a bitch" He grumbles. I walk into the bathroom wasting no time to get my clothes off and I get in the shower as I hear the door click, I hear the shower curtain open from behind me "Hey" I say with a smirk plastered on my face "You doing this on purpose?" He asks pushing himself against my ass "Maybe m-maybe not" I say trying to hold in a moan "Why don't you tell me now,make things better for you,hm?" He asks pushing my waist against his "mph" I moan biting my lip "You gonna tell me?" He says kissing my neck "N-No" I stutter "Guess you don't wanna walk tomorrow." He mumbles against my neck. He continues to kiss my neck as my mind fills with dirty thoughts of me and him having- "Why don't we get of the shower? He asks and I nod bending over to turn the water off "Damn babe." He groans slapping my ass. We collapse onto his bed pressing our lips together "god" he groans as I wrap my hand around him stroking him slowly he grabs my hands pinning them above my head as he lines up with my hole "Oh!" I moan as he slides in. He slowly thrusts in and out of me picking up the pace each time to the point he's slamming into me roughly "Oh!Oh!Oh!" I moan each time he slams into me "You like that? Hm?" He asks putting his hand on my neck and I moan agreeing to his question "Words baby." He says stern "Y-Yes!" I yell wrapping my arms around his body "Good boy." He whispers in my ear making me shiver. "Baby I'm tired" he says "Ride me?" He asks "Y-Yeah" I mumble getting up. He leans up against his headboard as I straddle his lap "Mm" I moan,I start too bounce quickly trying to get the speed he was going but failing miserably "Your so hot my love." He says placing his lips on mine making a sloppy make out."Colby!" I yell slamming down "Oh Sam!" He groans as I feel him cum inside me and lay my head on his chest "Your in big trouble for what you did earlier." He whispers in my ear "What a-are you gonna d-do?" I whimper "You'll see." He says and in one quick move I'm on my back and Colby hovering over me "Colby." I say warningly "So much trouble." He says "Hands and knees now." He says stern so I quickly get on my hands and knees. I feel him pushing into my ass making moan I get why he said I'm not gonna walk tomorrow. He slams into me very harshly and I feel my knees become weak but I try my best to keep my balance "S-Slow down pl-please!" I moan "This is your punishment." He says slamming into me and his headboard slams into the wall "I c-can't!" I yell falling on my stomach. He picks me up and I wrapping my arms around him trying hard to wrap my legs around him "Shit!" I yell and I start to feel a familiar knot in my stomach. "Please b-be done!" I yell tears brimming in my eyes "I am don't worry baby it was just a punishment." He says throwing his hands in the air. I lay down under the blanket curled up in a ball "I'm proud of you for lasting as long as you could." He says laying down "M-My back" I whimper "I'm sorry baby." He whispers cuddling me "Can we get dressed?" He asks "Mhm." I hum and he carry's me to the bathroom setting me in the counter "It's cold!" I yell trying to hold myself up "Here just hold this I'll help you" he says handing me my clothes. He gets dressed himself and helps me get dressed before we lay back down "Hello?" "Just laying here" "Yeah that's fine" "Okay bye" "Jakes coming over" Colby says putting his phone down "okay" I say tiredly "Go to sleep I'll wake you up when they get here" he whispers kissing my cheek "thank you" I whisper drifting off to sleep. "Baby wake up there coming upstairs" he says nudging me "I'm awake" I mumble rubbing my eyes I lay on Colby's chest "Hey guys" Jake says with a small smile "Hey" Colby says rubbing my thigh "hi" I say tiredly "Hey guys!" Tara squeals "Sam we need tell you some stuff!" Devyn squeals and they grab my arm pulling me making me immediately collapse "Oh my gosh Sam are you okay?!" Tara yells "I'm so sorry!" Devyn  says worriedly "He's not in the best condition right now." Colby says "Aww is he sick?" Jake asks "No" Colby says "It's just been a rough night" he adds laughing slightly "You did this to me!"I giggle sitting on the edge of bed "Uhm..that's nasty" Jake says looking at Sam "Hey at least he's alive" I say "Ew!" Tara and Devyn giggle. I cuddle with Colby as we all talk "Baby my legs hurt and I need to use the bathroom" I pout "Come on" Colby sighs getting up. Colby comes around the bed and helps me up and into the bathroom. "My back" I whisper lifting up my shirt Colby puts his hands on my waist to keep me up as I look at my back "At least you enjoyed it,right?" He asks "Of course but it was a little rough" I say dropping my shirt "Good but let's go lay down" He says opening the door. We lay down and continue talking about shit and I look at Jake as he's staring off in space "I'm gonna use the bathroom" Jake says quickly getting up "Okay don't fall in!" I laugh "Whatever" he laughs nervously walking in the bathroom. "You okay?" I ask seeing Jake walk out of the bathroom "Yeah you were in there for about 10 minutes Dude" Colby says. Colby laughs then gets up and whispers something to Jake and they both start laughing "Right?!" Jake laughs "Oh my god" Colby says holding his stomach then Jake whispers something in Colby's ear "Twice" Colby says making Jake shocked "Sam? Two rounds!?" He whispers loudly and Colby nods "Barely survived the second time." Colby whispers "Damn brother." Jake says giving Colby a high-five and pulling into a hug "Babyyy cuddle" I whine holding out my arms "I'll talk to you about it later" Colby says and Jake just laughs sitting at the end of the bed. Colby lays with me after talk to Jake "If you keep talking about how we fucked we won't do it anymore." I whisper making him give me a worried look "No you wouldn't!" He says giving me a shocked look "I would so shut the fuck up." I say "What are you gonna do? You can't fucking walk" he says getting up "You wouldn't!" I yell trying to get up myself "I am!" He yells running out the door "Damn it!" I yell trying to walk to the door just becoming a limp. I try to get down the stairs fast to chase Colby and I get up behind him and tackle him to the floor "Awh my stomach!" He yells "That's what you get bitch!" I yell making him laugh,he gently pushes me off and throws me over his shoulder taking me upstairs "Colby! Put me down!" I giggle "AAA!" I yell as he throws me down on his bed "That's what you get bitch!" He mocks "Shut up!" I giggle. He smashes his lips on mine making a small make out "No.I'm still sore" I say "I can't kiss you?" He says placing kisses all over my face "Stop!" I say starting to giggle. I lay on Colby pretending he's a pillow when my phone goes off "Jakeee ☺️ sent a snap" so I check what it was making me smile.

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