Part 4

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"Guess what!" Sam says in a singing tone "What?" I say putting my hands on his waist "Im ungrounded!" He exclaims showing me his phone "Finally." I smile slightly "I can go to your house this weekend!" He exclaims again "So your not going to your moms?" I ask "It's her work weekend I don't go over there when she works." He smiles slightly "So us weekend?" I ask smiling "Fine,but Jake and everyone are coming over for a while on Friday." He says "What!? We haven't had alone time in like forever!" I huff "I'll give you that blowjob the second they leave." He says "Oh yeah they can come over baby." I smile.
finally Friday I remember walking through the doors. "Hey I'll see you tonight Sammy!" Jake says walking to his class. "Hey baby!" Colby smiles "Since when are you happy in the morning?" I say seriously "Just happy for later!" He smiles again "Fuck." I whisper remembering what I said Monday "I love you so much baby!" He cheers quietly "Love you too." I sigh rubbing my face. Next class was worse. "We have a new seating chart!" The teacher announces, he continues to explain who sits where as people murmur and whisper glaring at certain people "Samuel! Right here next to Tara!" He points.on second thought maybe it's not that bad. "Sam!" She gasps "Tara!" I exclaim walking over "Well this class just became more fun!" She smiles "Do I need to move one of you two?" He asks looking at us "No Sorry Mr. Randal!" Tara says. Finally class ends and we head to our lockers someone hugs me from behind making me jump "Fuck!" I shout "Sorry baby!" Colby laughs "Will you wait for me?" I say putting something in my locker "Well I need to wash my hands real quick we did some crazy shit in Mrs.Roberts class." Colby says walking away "Wait!" I say tossing my history book in my locker. I catch up to him as we walk into the bathroom he looks around making sure no one was in there and quickly turns around to me and smashes his lips on mine while squeezing my ass. "See you at lunch!" He smacks my ass,walking out of the bathroom, I stand there for a second and quickly head to lunch. "History was so fun Sam!" Tara laughs "Y-Yeah it w-was fun." I stutter "The fuck you so red for?" Jake asks looking at me then Colby "N-No reason!" I say quickly "Oh baby it doesn't hurt to tell them." He whispers "I'm not gonna tell them!" I shout "Tell us what?" Tara asks "N-Nothing!" I shout "Your in a mood today." Jake says stabbing at his food "Oh shut t-the fuck up!" I exclaim "Oh ShUt ThE fUcK uP!" Colby mocks me "Baby." I say "What." He says laughing slightly "Your not gonna get that blowjob later." I say out loud on purpose in a singy tone "Noooo!" He whines scooting closer to me "Then don't be rude." I say patting his knee "Your so mean to me sometimes y'know that baby?" He says rubbing my thigh "I don't try to!" I laugh quietly "You like to be mean to me don't you?" He whispers "Oh I can be worse." I smile "How?" He asks, I ignore him talking to Jake and Tara "Baby!" He exclaims as I ignore him "What the fuck baby!?" He shouts, I continue to ignore him as I smile slightly. He grabs my chin,making me look at him and smashes his lips on mine,making me blush softly "What?" I finally reply "Don't be mean to me." He says stern "I-I won't!" I stutter "This is how we know Sammy's a bottom." Jake laughs slightly "W-Whatever!" I huff "You guys are so cute together!" Tara squeals  "I saw that from over there it was so cute!" Devyn squeals sitting down for a second. I blush in embarrassment and look at my lap "Baby don't be embarrassed." He whispers "Shut up." I mumble "Baby please." He whispers again "Sorry." I whisper picking at my nails "Look at me." He says "No." I huff "I said look at me." He grabs my chin "don't be embarrassed baby." He says placing his lips on mine softly. Finally last class gets out and everyone runs to there lockers grabbing there things and leaving,as I grab my stuff Jake walks up to me "Hey you wanna hit this?" He asks showing me his vape "Let's go." I sigh grabbing it "It's supposed to be cherry lemonade but I think it tastes like strawberries." He says opening the door "weird." I say putting it up to my mouth. As I take a hit I see Colby coming so I wait to blow the smoke out "Hey baby!" He waves walking out,I just wave making him confused "Give it here." Jake puts his hand out,I give him the vape as Colby looks at me "You didn't let me get a hit?" He asks "You weren't out here." I say blowing the smoke out of my nose "Smells like strawberries let me hit it." Colby says snatching it out of Jakes hand "Wow it tastes like strawberries too." He blows out the smoke "They said it was cherry lemonade!" Jake exclaims "I'm gonna get going guys" I say walking off "See you later baby!" Colby shouts "I love you!" He shouts again "love you too!" I smile getting in my car. I finally run inside and going to my room and grab some clothes, I get on my phone and text Colby "Baby will you pick me up?" "Yea I'll be there soon." "Love you!" "Love you too :)" after texting him I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs waiting for him. "Going somewhere?" My dad asks sitting on the couch "Just Colby's we are gonna hang out with Jake and Corey." I look over "The ones that come over all the time?" He asks "Mhm!" I hum,as me and dad talk for a moment I get startled by my phone ringing "Hello?" "I'll be right there." "Alright bye." I hang up and tell my dad I love him and head out the door "Hey baby." He looks up from his phone "baby!" I exclaim running up to him "I love you." He whispers hugging me "love you too." I whisper smiling "Now let's go." He smiles opening the door "Why thank you!" I smile getting in. After driving for bit we pull up at his house and go inside to see his family is on the couch "Cole honey." His mom says "Am I in trouble?" He asks "No honey." She says  "Go upstairs baby." He pecks my lips quickly "O-Okay I will." I smile and go upstairs to his room. He comes in and quickly gets on the bed,crying into my chest "Oh baby." I frown looking at him  "I-I'm sorry." He looks up at me,his eyes all red "Shhhh it's okay." I whisper playing with his hair.We lay there for a while when he eventually falls asleep,tears still rolling down his cheeks,as small breathes blow out of his mouth. "Hey!" Jake exclaims "Shut the fuck up!" I whisper pointing at Colby "Oh shit sorry!" Jake whispers,I look at Colby as he stirs slightly "Shh it's okay baby." I whisper kissing his cheek "m" he hums putting his head in my chest,snoring slightly. "Baby." He says tiredly "What?" I whisper "I-I'm
sorry for c-crying." He frowns looking at me "Oh baby it's okay." I whisper smiling "No it's not I should have never cried on you." He says his eyes getting glossy "Baby it's fine!" I laugh slightly "I'm s-sorry." He says starting to cry into my neck "Oh baby." I whisper rubbing his back "Should we go?" Jake whispers "Just go downstairs we will be down in bit." I whisper. After Colby calms down we go downstairs "Hey." Jake says with a small smile "hey." Colby looks at him "S-Sorry about that g-guys." Colby says "It's okay man." Jake smiles "Yea it's fine Colby." Corey says "Everyone cries sometimes baby." I say "You guys mean it?" He asks "Of course me and Corey cry sometimes your not alone dude." Jake says "Thanks man." Colby leans over and hugs him "Hey! I don't get one?" Corey laughs "Of course." Colby laughs and hugs him "You okay now baby?" I whisper "I-I think so." He whispers laying his head on my shoulder. "Can we hang out upstairs?" Colby asks as his parents walk in "Let's go upstairs guys!" I say getting up "Alright!" Jake says getting up "Come on baby." I grab his hand. We all get upstairs and play games waiting for Tara and Devyn to come over "Will they be here soon?" I whine "Yes five more fucking minutes so quit asking!" Jake says "You don't gotta be so fucking rude about it god." I huff "baby come here." Colby says "What?" I whisper "Come here!" He says again "What baby?" I ask "Can we cuddle?" He smiles "Of course." I smile wrapping my arms around him "Yes!" He whispers kissing my forehead "I love you." He whispers squeezing me "Love you too." I smile "Hey!" Tara shouts "Hi!" I get up and hug her  "nooo!" Colby whines "What?" I ask turning around "Come back!" He frowns "Fineee!" I smile and walk back to him "Can my friend Brennen come over baby?" He whispers "I don't care" I say "Thanks baby." He whispers. A few minutes later Brennen comes in and plays games with Jake Corey and Colby,I go downstairs and sit on the couch watching TV by myself "Baby why aren't you upstairs?" Colby asks coming down "I felt left out." I think to myself "Just wanted to watch TV." I say "We could've got off you just had to ask." He says going in the kitchen "Oh okay." I sigh getting up. I turn off the TV and go upstairs with Colby and we all watch Netflix "You guys make me feel single as fuck." Brennen says "Not my fault." Colby says "Baby." I whisper "What?" He says staring at the TV "Look at me!" I say "What do you want?" He says glancing at me then back at the TV "Never mind." I sigh grabbing my phone. "Honey come downstairs please." His mom says peeking her head in the door "Coming." He sighs unwrapping his arms around my waist,a couple minutes later he comes in sobbing softly,he lays down on the bed and cries into my neck "Oh baby." I whisper rubbing his back. He continues to cry into my neck as I whisper sweet nothings into his ear as he calms down. "Honey he didn't mean it." His moms says "Get out."He says looking at her "honey please." She says "Get the fuck out!" He shouts "A-Alright." She says closing the door a few minutes later his dad comes in. "Go apologize to your mother, now." He says stern pointing at the door "Fine." He mumbles getting up. He comes back in with a red hand mark on his face looking at the ground "Come here baby." I smile opening my arms he smiles and laughs slightly and lays down pressing kisses all over my neck "give me this!" I laugh grabbing his face "What?" He asks laughing. I grab his face and smash my lips on his laughing "You could've asked!" He says grabbing my chin and softly placing his lips on mine,making a soft make out "This the dude you were talking about?" Brennen says "I have a name y'know!" I exclaim "I wasn't talking to you." He says "Don't be a bitch Brennen." Jake says looking at him "His name is Sam." Colby sighs looking at him "So?" He says staring at me "Dude if your gonna be rude just go." Colby says a little mad "Not trying to be." Brennen says looking at his phone "Anyways." Colby smirks looking at me "What?" I laugh quietly "Nothing!" He says looking at my lips "Oh fine." I smile pressing my lips on his again "Gross." Brennen says "If you don't like him just say something for fucks sake!" Colby shouts getting up "Im good." Brennen says "Scared I'm gonna hurt ya?" Colby says getting his face "No." Brennen says looking at him "Right here right now." Colby says looking at him "You know I'm gonna beat you."  Brennen laughs standing up. I scream as they fight trying to get Colby stop as Jake and Corey try to pull Brennen away "Stop!" I shout pulling Colby's shoulder "Brennen stop!" Corey and Jake shout "What the fuck is wrong with you guys!?" I shout making them look at me "Your acting like kids! Your in fucking high school!" I shout "Stop fighting you dumb ass! I yell at Colby "Just fucking go Brennen." Jake says pushing him towards the door. "Go the bathroom." I sigh rubbing my face "O-Okay." Colby walks to his bathroom "I'm gonna go clean up this fucker." I sigh "Alright we're gonna go see if Brennen left or not." Jake sighs heading out of the room "Baby bloods getting on the floor!" Colby shouts "Be right there." I sigh going to the bathroom. "Give me the fucking rag." I sigh snatching out of his hand "Im sorry baby please don't be mad." He says "Im not fucking mad!" I shout "Okay okay!" He says "dumb ass." I mumble "Baby are you mad?" He asks "I said no already god damn it!" I scream "I was just asking Jesus." He mumbles. I sigh cleaning the blood off the floor and then lay down on the bed. "He left." Jake says sitting down on the end of the bed "Alright." I say "I'm gonna put on a movie." Corey says "Nothing with sex in it." Colby says "Okay." Corey yawns. "What happened while we were gone?" Tara asks looking at all of us "Mr.big dick over here got in fight with Brennen." I say angrily "Brennens always been getting in fights." Devyn says sitting by Corey "If your fucking mad say something!" Colby shouts "Well I'm fucking mad!" I shout standing up "Then you should've said something in the first fucking place!" He shouts standing up as well "I didn't want to be rude!" I scream looking him in the eyes "Still! YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING!" He screams "Your a fucking dumb ass you know that!?" I scream getting red "Baby your getting red." "Don't "baby" me!" I shout. I run downstairs and go outside sitting on the porch steps "Hey everything okay?" Jake asks sitting next to me "I shouldn't have screamed." I say tearing up "It's okay not one relationship is perfect." He says "I know." I say starting to cry "Come here Sammy." Jake says putting his arm around me "It'll be okay." He whispers kissing the top of my head "Don't worry."he whispers again "Here hold on tight." He says picking me up as I wrap my legs around his waist,we go inside and upstairs as I cry into his neck and lay on the little couch as I cry. "Hey,are you okay now?" Jake whispers "Mhm." I hum tears still rolling down my cheeks "Come here." He whispers hugging me "Don't do that you fucking weirdo." Corey says "Why?" Colby asks "Hes still upset you fucking idiot!" Corey points at me "Fine." Colby sighs "Don't pay attention to them." Jake whispers "O-Okay." I whisper looking back at him "You need to calm down first." Jake whispers "C-Can I take a s-shower?" I ask "Be careful." Jake says. I get up and into Colby's bathroom and get in the shower "Baby are you okay you've been in there for bit!" Colby asks "I-I'm taking a shower!" I shout "Alright!" He says after I clean my hair and everything I get out and dressed. I lay on the bed and scroll through my phone "Ow what the hell!" I shout "Got ya!" Colby laughs "That hurt." I pout putting my hand over my butt "You got a nice ass I'm sorry!" Colby says laying next to me "Whatever!" I laugh smacking his arm "You guys don't make any fucking sense." Jake says. We laugh and joke when Zach sends me a text saying "Hey can we meet up tomorrow?" "Can my friends come to?" "Yes but it's kind of private." "Okay what time?" "Like 10:30?" "Early but alright." "Can you meet me at your dads?" "Sure I guess." "Okay see you tomorrow Sam." "See ya." I sigh and look Colby to see he was already looking at me "We gotta go to dads tomorrow." I sigh putting my phone down "So you can talk to your ex-boyfriend?" Colby points at my phone "Can't fucking believe you." He sighs "We didn't even fucking date!" I shout "Sure you didn't." He scoffs getting up and sitting in his gaming chair,I sigh and get up and slam the door as I go downstairs and sit on the couch,crying into my hands. I wake up to my alarm and run upstairs,grabbing some clothes and changing in his bathroom "Baby I'm sorry for what I said." He says tiredly "It's fine." I say buttoning my jeans "Can I come with you?" He asks kissing my neck "If you want to." I look at him "Well I'm coming then." He yawns kissing me "Come then I gotta fucking go." I sigh grabbing his hand and running out of the bathroom. As we walk up to the door I hesitate to open it then Colby opens it for me and I give him a slight smile as I walk in seeing Zach on the couch waiting for me "Hey Sam." He waves "Uh h-hey." I wave back nervously "Can we go upstairs?" He asks "yeah s-sure!" I say grabbing Colby's hand "Without him." He says "Uh a-alright." I say fidgeting with my hands. Me and Zach get upstairs and I sit on my bed as he shuts the door and turns to me "Sam we got off on the wrong foot and I'm sorry for hurting you and calling you a gay freak." He sighs "Okay?" I say picking at my nails "Sam will you go out with me?" He asks my heart drops as I look at him shocked "Uhm..I-I gotta go." I say awkwardly heading towards the door "Think about it,okay?" He says "I w-will." I say,I bolt down the stairs and grab Colby and run out to his car and quickly drive off heading back to his house "Baby your going over the speed limit!" He exclaims "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I shout slowing down. We finally pull up at his house and I run inside and upstairs burying myself into his bed,scared,and on the verge of crying "The fuck?" Jake says tiredly "S-Sorry!" I say my voice shakey "Baby what's wrong!?" Colby exclaims running in "I-I'm scared!" I shout "Why!?" He asks "He fucking asked me out!" I shout as the room goes silent,Jake,Tara,Corey,Devyn,and Colby all staring at me shocked as I breath heavy sitting up "W-What?" Colby asks quietly "I said no!" I exclaim "Call Xepher right now!" Tara exclaims looking at Devyn "I'm on it!" Devyn exclaims holding her phone up to her ear. "Hey are you alone?" "Uhm Zach asked sam out earlier what do we do!?" "Yes he's dating Colby we told you this!" "I'll text you Colby's address get here SOON." "Okay she's coming!" Devyn shouts looking at Tara shocked. Soon this "Xepher" girl comes in and looks at Tara and Devyn then me "What did he say?" She asks looking at me "He s-said Sam we g-got off on the w-wrong foot and I'm sorry f-for hurting you a-and calling you a gay f-freak." I stutter "He fucking lied to me!" She shouts "He told me he was going to fucking Brennen's house! She screams "Baby come here." Colby says patting his lap "O-Okay." I whisper crawling on his lap "It's okay baby we're gonna get this figured out." He kisses my cheek "Calm down you don't wanna have a panic attack." He whispers kissing me softly "It'll be okay." He whispers looking at me "I k-know." I whisper "Please d-don't be upset." I whisper as tears run down my cheeks "Oh baby I would never be mad." He says kissing where the tear fell "R-Really?" I ask as my voice cracks "Of course baby." He says rubbing my thigh "Thank you Sam for telling me." Xepher says "Your welcome." I say as my voice cracks again "Baby your fine." Colby says as his voice cracks slightly "I'm gonna use the bathroom." Colby says blinking a lot "Please don't!" I shout bursting into tears "Okay I won't." He says wrapping his arms around me. Me and Colby sit there as I cry and he whispers that everything is gonna be okay while Xepher,Tara,and Devyn talk and giggle every now and again "Are you okay now baby?" He asks rubbing my back I don't answer because I fell asleep and I feel him lay down as I'm on top of him. I wake up from everyone talking and laughing making me angry,I get up go to the bathroom slamming the door in the process I come back out to check the time to being "4:02 AM" why are they still up? "Please shut the fuck up." I say laying back down "Here baby." Colby says laying next to me and cuddling me,I fall back asleep from his warmth as everyone gets quiet as I sleep.I wake up from a nightmare,all sweaty and startled and slightly red "Hey are you okay?" Xepher asks "J-Just had a nightmare." I say "It's okay." She says coming over and hugging me "T-Thank you." I say giving her a small smile "No problem bro." She says going back to the beanbag chair "Look!" Devyn whispers showing Tara her phone "She got comfortable with him!" Tara squeals "What?" Xepher shoots her head over "You got comfortable with sam!" She shouts showing her Devyns phone "Oh fuck you he had a nightmare." Xepher huffs "We love you too." Devyn laughs "Baby." Colby says tiredly "What?" I ask "You have to go to your dads today." He frowns looking at me "Don't be a baby." I say "Your so mean to me." He smiles rubbing his eyes "Just come over later." I smile "Sounds great." He sighs leaning up and hugging me,I get on my phone to check my notifications "Colby 🫶 sent a snap."

"Your so cute

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"Your so cute." I turn to him "I know I am." He smiles, I scoot closer to him and place my lips on his softly "m" he hums as I remove my lips from his catching my breath "They do that all the time?" Xepher asks "Yep." Jake says "Fuck man." She laughs looking at us "Mind your fucking business Xepher." Colby says connecting our lips again "Okay my god dude." She says looking at the TV.

"Get up guys you need to get ready." My mom says "I'll be down in minute." I mumble stretching "Alright." She says and walks off "Get up baby." I whisper kissing his cheek "Nooo." He whines rolling over to look at me "Yessss." I whine back "Can we skip first period?" He asks looking at me "We can just stay home cause I know your gonna keep asking." I sigh "Yay!" He exclaims putting his head in my chest. He falls back asleep so I get up and sit in the beanbag chair turning on a movie,once it hits the middle of the movie a sex scene comes on I didn't know this movie had sex scenes I continue to watch it feeling myself get hard as I shift around, I look back at Sam,seeing he's still asleep. "Baby." He whispers sitting next to me on the beanbag chair "What?" I say looking at him "I'm cold can I sit on your lap?" He asks pouting "F-Fine." I say letting him crawl on my lap he smiles then lays his head on my chest "Thank you baby." He says "Yep." I say shifting around uncomfortably "I can move if you want me to." He says starting to move "baby it's fine." I say as I put my hand on my crotch "Move your fucking hand!" He exclaims "I can't!" I exclaim "Just move it!" He yells "Fine!" I yell moving my hand "Oh my god!" He yells looking at me in disgust "I'm sorry that's why I didn't move my hand!" I exclaim "Just watch the fucking movie and it should go away!" He sighs "I'm gonna take a shower that might help." I say moving him "Alright I'm gonna finish this movie." He says watching me walk to the bathroom. I get in the shower hoping it might help make my boner go away it didn't, fuck I stand there as I jerk off letting out little moans as I move my hand faster getting closer each time "Fuck." I say to myself as I cum into my hand I put my hand under the water to get it off as I catch my breath. "Took you long enough." He says looking me up and down stopping at my crotch "Sorry I took my time and quit staring." I say noticing he was staring "S-Sorry." He says looking away blushing "Come here." I say sitting down.

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