Part 20

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I get to the mall,walking around by myself, shopping silently. I walk to the food court,buying myself some pizza,i hear a noise and look up, seeing Xepher,Cassie and a random boy "oh hey!" I smile "Hi Sam!" Xepher smile,sitting down "Who's that?" I ask,pointing at the boy "That's my brother Seth" Cassie says (I don't even know if she has siblings so don't hate me) "well hi Seth" I smile.

We all walk around the mall,laughing and making jokes,stopping and buying stuff on the way "let's go to my house!" Xepher says,dragging me and Cassie to the doors of the mall,Cassie's brother following behind us.

Getting to Xephers house,we all walk to her room,laughing together "Oh my gosh remember when we had that party?!" Cassie laughs loudly, looking at me and Xepher "Oh my god that was the best party ever!" I laugh "You gave Colby the lap dance at that party remember?!" Xepher laughs,smiling and I burst into laughter at the memory.

We decide to go to Cassie's house to play video games,as we drive, i begin to talk to talk to her brother Seth "So what's your favorite video game?" Seth asks quietly,looking over at me "Oh i don't really know i just play whatever" i say, smiling at him "oh me too" He chuckles. After driving in silence for a minute Seth breaks the quietness "could i get your number?" He asks quietly "oh sure!" I say,taking his phone and putting my number in "don't try to get with him he's dating someone Seth" Cassie says,turning around to look at him.

"Who is he dating?!" Seth whines,sitting on the foot of Cassie's bed "You don't wanna know Seth." Xepher says sternly "just tell me!" He yells "he's dating Colby!" Cassie says and the room falls silent. "Why don't you like Colby?" I ask "I just don't..he looks rude" Seth sighs "He is sometimes" I giggle.

About 7:30 ish,I go back home to Colby's,I hear a noise which I'm sure is probably Gage in his room,i open the door and to my surprise.

Colby and Jaden.

"Are you fucking serious?" I shout,tears threatening to fall,I take my promise ring and throw it on the floor,I slam the door shut and walk downstairs. "Come on Allison let's go." I say,my voice breaking,I grab my keys and walk out the door and I get in my car. "I know honey and im sorry." I say,crying softly, parking the car outside of Jakes house. I walk to the front door,knocking softly,waiting for someone to answer the door. "Hello?" Jakes mother answers the door "Jake or Jillian home?" I ask,holding back tears.

I walk up to Jakes room,hearing video games as his mother said. I step in as Jake and Jillian are on the floor,they look up at me and Jake quickly stands up, he rushes over to me and hugs me,I break down completely,starting to sob loudly in his arms. "Allison go to my room,watch some TV." Jillian says,standing up. "He cheated on me with Jaden again!" I sob,putting my hands over my face "Im sorry Sam you and Allison can stay with me you know mom and dad won't mind." Jake says softly,sitting next to me on the bed,he hugs me and I lean into it.

"I wanna sleep in here" I say quietly,laying down as Jake texts the groupchat. The next morning,I wake up with tons of messages 14 from Colby,and over 20 from the group chat.

I read through the group chat,scanning some messages. "yeah sams with me" "what happened?" "I'll tell you in private" "oh wow I'm sorry Sam." "I just wanted you guys to know so you don't get worried."

I also decide to read through Colby's messages. "Baby please!" "Im sorry!" "I love you please come home!" "Sam please!" "I know I'm wrong for that and I'm sorry!" "I love you!" "I have your promise ring!"

I roll my eyes,putting my phone down. I rub my eyes,I look over seeing Jake sleeping,i sigh, getting out of the bed quietly and going to the bathroom. After using the bathroom,I walk to Jillian's room,I step in quietly,i see Jillian and Allison watching a movie on her Tv.

After watching some of the movie with them,i decide to take a shower. After grabbing some clothes,i get into the shower,wetting my hair. I begin to sob,missing Colby.

After my shower,i begin to get dressed,my face stained with tears. why would he do that to me? was i not enough? did he think i was gross? I sigh,stepping out of the bathroom and sitting on Jakes beanbag chair,sniffling softly.

"hey are you okay?" Jake asks,his voice full of tiredness "yeah im okay" I say softly,wiping my tears,Jake hugging me. "Come on let's go out to cheer you up!" Jillian cheers "I-I don't know i don't feel like going out.." I mumble,running my fingers through my hair.

I get out of the car,after a hour of convincing "What if I see Colby?!" I whine "we discussed it just ignore him!" Jake says. We walk into CVS, messing around as we look for candy,Jillian, Jake and Allison go to look for chips,I back up as I look at the candy and i bump into someone. I turn around to apologize and i see Colby.

I walk away quickly,i pull my phone out of my pocket,calling Jake quickly,my eyes watering. "Jake what aisle are you in?" I ask,my voice shaking slightly "7 why?" Jake replies "Nothing i just cant find you"

When i find them,i burst out in sobs,falling into Jakes arms "You saw him didn't you?" Jillian asks and i nod,wiping my tears. We walk over to the perfume,smelling some as we walk down the aisle.

"Hey what's up?!" Someone says cheerfully behind us,Jake turns,his smile fading "Fuck off dude." Jake says bluntly,grabbing me and hugging me,making me not able to see who it is. "Quit following me around the store!" Jake says loudly,turning around again "Chill I just wanna see how your doing!"

I finally recognize the voice, it's Colby. "Go away" I say,gathering all my courage as I look him in the eyes "Sams the big guy now!" Colby says jokingly "I said go away!" I say loudly,turning around and walking to a different aisle.

The next day,11:38 am,I arrive to Colby's to get my clothes,I walk into his room same old same old. Our pictures still hung up above his bed. My charger still plugged in next to his bed. I walk over to the closet,filling my backpack i brought with me. "How's it been going?" Colby asks softly from the bed "rough but I'll be fine." i say quietly, grabbing more of my clothes.

I finish packing my bag,Colby standing up as he opens the door for me. "I'll miss you Sam i love you." My heart breaks,i hug him,blinking back tears. "yeah bye.." i say softly,before i go to walk out,Colby cups my face,kissing my lips gently.

I break the kiss,pulling away with wide eyes. "C-Colby I.."

               "I thought we were just friends?"

The story's over omg! long journey huh? i hope you guys enjoy it and soon i will start making another story! 🖤

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