Part 14

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‼️TW‼️ **Also sorry this chapter took a while I had MAD writers block,had therapy,and couldn't think what to write,also it's not as long as i usually make them,so sorry!**

I wake up by myself so I get up and slip my skirt off,putting a pair of sweats over my exposed legs and go downstairs. "Morning Sammy" Allison smiles "Oh hey good morning baby" Colby says walking out of the kitchen "What time is it?" I ask my voice raspy "Just about 12:38" Devyn says "God I slept in" I yawn "You guys wanna play a game?" Jake asks plopping down next to Tara "Like what" Devyn asks "twister?" He suggests "Allison will spin for us" I say and she huffs. I bend over placing my right hand on yellow and I whine as I squat down "Colby left foot blue" and he steps over and puts his crotch in my face since his hands weren't on the board yet "Fuck off" I say flipping him off with my free hand "whatever" he chuckles. Jake falls pushing all of us down and we all laugh "Jake!" Tara squeaks "Colby" I say "Sam" Colby says "Would you get off of me?" I ask "I think I'm fine" he chuckles. I go to get up and Colby pushes me back down "Baby I wanna sit on the couch" I whine "I think my lap is more comfortable" he says. I go to sit down and Colby pulls me onto his lap "What do you want?" I whine "You just look so sexy today with your brown hair" he mumbles "Do you want something from me?" I ask "Mm maybe" he hums. "Tara can I talk to you?" I ask "Yeah what's up?" She asks "Colby's been acting like really affectionate and I don't why" I say "Because your anniversary is coming up" She says "Oh fuck" I mumble covering my mouth "What's the exact day?" I ask "Wednesday" she says "Thank you so much" I smile. I walk upstairs hearing talking which sounded pretty serious "Hi baby!" I smile walking in "Oh h-hey!" Colby says looking at Jake and Corey "H-Hi Sam!" Jillian waves "What are you doing here?" I ask walking over and hugging her "No reason!" She says giving an awkward smile "whatever" I smile sitting down by Colby.

I sit down on the floor as others gather around for spin the bottle "This is how to get a party started" Aryia says sitting next to me "This is just for the game nobody get mad at there partner!" Xepher announces. After everyone sits down we start playing "Ill go first" Aryia says spinning it "That's surprising" he mumbles looking at Xepher. After playing the game for a while everyone gets up talking to others and drinking "Baby I'm gonna use the bathroom I'll be back" Colby says getting up "Okay love you" I smile "Love you too!" He smiles walking off after Colby comes back he sits down in mid conversation with Jake "That's what I'm gonna do" Colby says "I think that's good" Jake says. I wake up and go downstairs seeing Jake Corey Aryia Colby Tara Devyn and Jillian "Morning baby" I say and he ignores me "Never mind then." I mumble walking to the kitchen. I walk back upstairs and watch TV by myself since everybody was downstairs "hello?" I ask as I pick up my phone "Sam!" Amara cheers "Amara!" I cheer back "Wanna hangout?" "Sure where are we gonna go?" "Well I think we should get something to eat then go somewhere?" "Yeah that's fine I'll come get you when I'm ready" "Okay see you soon!" "See you soon bye!" "Bye!" I hang up and get dressed into some leggings a sweater and my converse. "Where are you going?" Jake asks "None of your business" I say grabbing the keys to my car.

"I'm here" "okay I'm finishing up my hair I'll be out in a second" "Okay" I put my phone down waiting for her to come out. "Sorry I was curling my hair" she smiles getting in "It's okay you look cute" I smile "You do too" she says buckling up "Where are we eating?" I ask "How about chipotle?" She suggests "That sounds so good right now" I say beginning to drive. After we eat we start shopping at the mall "You need to start wearing these types of skirts" She says "No I'm not wearing a mini skirt!" I exclaim "Tease Colby with it" she says. We sit at the food court to check our phones "Baby will you come home we need to talk." I read Colby's message. A wave of sadness and anxiety washes over me "Uhm I gotta go home ill drop you off." I say nervously "Oh okay we can hangout tomorrow" she smiles.

I hesitantly open the front door. I walk in seeing everyone on the couches "Hey babe" Colby smiles "H-Hi" I stutter taking my shoes off "What do you want to talk about?" I ask walking into the living room "You know our anniversary is coming up.." he trails off "Mhm" I hum feeling a lump in my throat "I-I'm sorry I need to use the bathroom." I say tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. I grab the blade looking at it as I walk into the bathroom after I close the door I sit on the counter pulling my leggings just down my thigh. I cut myself two times making me wince in pain as I do it a third time. I quickly clean up my leg and put it back going downstairs after "Sorry if I took long" I say nervously "For our anniversary I want to take you to Vegas with a couple of our friends." He says "Really!?" I exclaim tears filling my eyes again "Yes baby" he chuckles getting up and hugging me "Surprise Sammy!" Jake says "Who's all going?" I ask tears rolling down my cheeks "Xepher Cassie Tara Devyn Corey Aryia and Jake" he says "J-Jillian?" I ask "Mhm shes coming to" he smiles. I wrap my arms around my neck hugging him tightly "I love you so fucking much!" I shout smashing my lips on his "I love you too,get packed" he smiles hugging me again "When are we leaving?" I ask "4:00" he says "AM?" I ask "yeah sadly" he chuckles and I run upstairs packing.

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