(OS) Happy Rose day!

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Bondita was sitting on the windowsill of her hostel room, admiring the silver moonlight flickering outside. She glanced the bunch of roses she has received on the occasion of rose day, but none could fill that void of yellow rose which she gets every year from Anirudh in advance.

"Why didn't he post it yet?", Her eyes loaded with tears batted and her college uniform absorbed the tears. She was trying to console herself uttering the fact in the back of her head that she and Anirudh now doesn't share that amorous bond they used to share earlier because she has restricted herself within few bounds so ideally, she must not be feeling hurt.

She gathered her knees inside her barrister robe settling her forehead on her knees. "Patibabu, I miss you." She sobbed quietly so that her roommate Anuradha's sleep doesn't get disturb.

After few minutes, her hiccups have been muffled in her saree as she had dozed relishing the sweet memories with her husband Mr. Anirudh Roy Choudhary from the past.

Unveiling his face from the covered hijab Anirudh ascended towards window of that hostel room tiptoeing. He felt more hurt than Bondita seeing her cry, he very softly dabbed his fingers on her eyes and cheeks which were still semi wet.

His barrister brain has already reasoned why she was sad and that is why he had come there to make her feel delighted.

Picking all the red roses one by one which he had bought, he adored around her hair bun delicately, matted baby hair on her forehead adding extra amount of draw in her winsomeness.

"I am sorry for this delay, but this how I wanted to celebrate the rose day with my querida.", His captivating smile broadened beholding her from so close after ages.

He scooped her sleeping figure in his arms and laid on her hostel bed. He wanted to kiss her many ways cuddling beside her, but he felt it was not the right time. He kissed her forehead softly adjusting her saree and barrister robe, "Happy rose day my forever Barrister Babu!"

When Bondita found her body settled in laying position she woke up rubbing her eyes and before she gets acclimatized to the change Anirudh veiled himself back and acted to be sleeping on Anuradha's bed.

"How do I come here?", Bondita shook her head if she was dreaming or something.

She looked around but Anuradha was sleeping too. She thought she might have come there herself half asleep. She huffed nodding her head and removed the barrister robe then to get rid of tight hair bun she pulled the stick out of her bun making all the red roses falling on her lap and bed along her beautiful hair.

"Roses, the red ones...", she awed, blushing heartily. "Who put it in my bun?"

Fresh rosy fragrantic soothing her senses as she sniffed another familiar fragrance in the air.

"Musk...it is!", To confirm the smell of musk she inhaled deep once again. "Patibabu, did you come here to surprise me with all these roses."

Tickled pink Bondita promptly hugged the golden photo frame, butterflies tickling her insides. "I don't want to know how you did it, but I would say, I am so impressed my magician babu..", She brought the frame closest to her face and whispered in Anirudh's ear. "I love, love you so much."

She picked the yellow rose which she had plucked from garden of college. With her right hand she forwarded it towards Anirudh framed in photo and accepted it on his behalf in her left hand's thumb pressed on the frame, "Happy rose day to you too, my darling babu."

And there Anirudh's cheeks flushed in deep shade of eglantine hearing it from his darling Bondita's mouth.

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