(OS) Propose Day!

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Next day in the library of Law college, Dalhousie: -

Being on cloud nine Bondita was blushing throughout the day and the reason she kept all to herself. Many of her fellows tried to get the reason of her extreme happiness out of her mouth but none succussed as each time in response she shyly hid her tinted cheeks behind her palm reminiscing that mesmerizing the rosy-musk fragrantica from last night.

"It seems Nakul finally proposed Bondita.", Hinduja teased, as she was aware what her best friend Nakul was planning to do.

"Eww! No..!", Stress lines formed on Bondita's forehead as she came out of her rosy-musk trance. "It can never be him."

"Oh comm 'on! We have seen you both engrossed in each other during lectures, library hours, practice session, outings and where not, just accept it man. There is no need to hide it from us.", Hinduja pulled Bondita's leg, glancing at Nakul teasingly.

"Or we can conclude that our Bengali lioness Bondita is shy in the department of romance.", Sushmita adorned red Bondita under effect of sweet nuisance, imagining her cute shy avatar.

"You guys have gone mad, I and Nakul are into study all that time.", Bondita stood up giving them meek disappointed look. "I am going to fetch some books, and please don't follow me there with your annoying assumptions."

"It seems now only Nakul can confirm the reason of rosiness is him or not.", Hinduja suggested and rushed near Nakul with Sushmita as this was most important case she needed to win in her life.


There Bondita among the bookcase breathed in peace and blushed again touching the roses adoring right side of her hair bun.

"I can feel you...", She murmured squinting her eyes as her fingers relished the softness of roses. Anirudh has occupied all her senses.

"I too can.", Anirudh whispered other side of the bookcase placing his hand on his heart beating in absolute delight. His eyelashes nictating in composer.

His skin flushed in same hue of roses tucked on her hair.

"Bondita why don't you tell them Nakul is the reason behind your blushing smile?", A known modulated female voice asked her.

"Because... he is not.", Bondita replied simply, flipping the pages of book in her hand.

And veiled in Burkha Anirudh just screamed loudest in exhillaration pressing his palms on his mouth. Taking few long deep breaths, he came back to the world, landing in the library of Dalhousie law college again.

"Then who is he Bondita?", Anirudh asked as veiled Anuradha.

"Since young age, I am adorning only one man and he is none other than most adorable bachelor son from our Tulsipur's Roy Choudhary family.", Bondita paused in that small passage fathoming his favorite person's name coming out from other side.

"Who Anirudh Roy Choudhary?", Anuradha suggested blushing hardest behind his right palm.

"No.. No... He is not a bachelor.", Bondita denied, hiding her giggles, "The infamous barrister babu can be counted as the most eligible divorcee, no doubt."

Argh! her statement broke Anirudh's heart and he walked outside with despair filled in his heart, not listening to what Bondita said next.

"Anuradha, you there? Don't you agree my best friend Batuknath Roy Choudhary is the most handsome son of RC family, but none can transcend the charm of Mr. Anirudh, only Barrister Anirudh Roy Choudhary lives in my heart since even I didn't know the meaning of love.", Bondita palmed her forehead not getting bothered as she was accustomed to Anuradha's irritated habit of leaving the conversations hanging in between.


Deep down my heart only whispers your name...

Whether we are close or far away...

Only ups were there in my life when you were with me...

But in the downs as well you are my superpower to deal with it...

Disregard of this separation...

I have framed a beautiful future together...

Two cups of coffee and our five six children playing around us in coordination...

Marks of smooches will take time to get lightened...

Breezes will also get high consuming our intoxicating fragrances...

That night of full moon all the deities will come to bless Anirudh and Bondita...

When they will be becoming Anidita once again for forever...


Reciting her poetic proposal in front of Anuradha twice before enveloping the paper inside a postcard, she shied bringing her palm in front of her face and Anirudh promptly grabbed her right hand and bent her petite frame a little holding by her waist.

"Will you marry me Bondita?", Anuradha murmured in her right ear huskily.

"Anuradha...!! What are you saying.", Bondita asked as huskiness of Anuradha's voice gave tickling chills all over her skin. "Leave me now."

"I am not going you leave you all night my jaana.", Anirudh responded in modulated female voice only to earn a powerful smack on one of his fake boobs.

"Easy, easy...", Anirudh left her caressing his puffed chest. "I mean to say this is how barrister Anirudh will react to your proposal, Barrister come poetess baabu Bondita."

On his remark, Bondita turned other side sheepishly biting her nails as she thought her instincts were giving wrong hint about Anuradha being attracted towards her.

And Anirudh calmed his unsettled heartbeats exhaling long breathes of relief beneath the burkha cloth covering his nose to chest body parts, "Lucky you Anirudh Roy Choudhary!", uttering in low voice while his cloaked enticing orbs continued alluring her shy poetess demeaner. "Congratulation! you just got proposal from your sweetheart."

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