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I woke up to a big crash in the living room. I sprinted out the door to see Kakashi sprawled out on the floor. He softly groaned and I tried not to laugh as I helped to get him back up on the couch. He saw the pill and water and reached for them. I turned around to let him put down his mask and I heard him taking a few sips of water after swallowing the pill.

-Thanks for bringing me some, Naruto. You didn't have to.

-I like to be of help.

He gave a soft smile before speaking again.

-Enjoyed yourself yesterday?

I nodded.

-Yes, except for that Daniel guy. He really gave me the creeps.

-Yes. We'll try to avoid him as much as possible.

I nodded again and he slowly got up and lead me into the kitchen. He checked the fridge with me behind him, waiting

-Omelet? He asked.

I chuckled and nodded. He pulled out a pan and accidentally knocked it on another pan next to it, causing him to wince. I pulled the pan away from him.

-With yesterday night, you should take it easy. Let me cook.
-Can you?

-It's an omelet. It's pretty easy to make.

He lifted his hands up in surrender and sat in a chair facing me. He put his head in the palm of his hand, elbow on the table.

I quickly got to work. I cracked 3 eggs in a bowl and put some chopped veggies in it as well. I mixed it all in. I put a little oil in the pan and then pour the egg mixture.

As it cooked, I prepared some coffee.

-Where did you learn to cook? Kakashi asked me.

I spun around at his question. I contemplated the answer for a little while.

-Orochimaru makes me feed him sometimes when he knows he'll be working late or when I have an early shift.

He nodded.

-I want to know about you. He said.

-How much do you want to know? I asked turning back to the stove and flipping the omelet.

-As much as you're willing to give me.

-I see. I answered. Well, ask away and maybe I'll answer.

He hummed before going silent. I checked over my shoulder to see him deep in thought.

-How did you meet Orochimaru?

-I was living in the streets and I stumbled upon the club. He saw me outside and came to talk to me. I ended up being more or less adopted by him I guess.

-Why were you in the streets?

-Long story short, I lost my family and my home. So, I had no choice.

He looked concerned.

-How old were you?


His eyes grew wide. I know my life hasn't always been easy, but some people got it worse.
He seemed to not know how to respond, so he just changed the subject.

-When is your birthday?

I chuckled.

-October 10th.

I slipped his omelet in a plate before repeating the process for myself. He seemed to be satisfied with the answers to my question and started eating.

Once we were both done, Kakashi did the dishes even though I insisted that I could do them.

I had forgotten the coffee I made, so I took a cup and so did Kakashi. Kakashi's phone went off and he answered. He hummed a little.

-Hang thigh, be there in twenty.

He hung up the phone after that.

-I have to run to work. There's an issue with a project. I'll be right back. Unless you want to come with me?

-I'll come with.

-Hurry up, then.

We both went into the master bedroom. I found my duffle bag and changed into the most professional outfit I had, which was a purple polo shirt with clean bright blue jeans.
Kakashi went with a navy blue dress shirt, a green tie and black trousers. He quickly changed his mask as well.

We jogged all the way to the parking lot so we could take his car. A gray jaguar C-X75. I didn't expect that. He swiftly got in and I followed.

We got there in about 15 minutes. There was an underground parking with an elevator that lead in the lobby area.

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