The Uchiha

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Kakashi gently nudged me and pointed at the tables with food.

-You haven't eaten anything have you?

I shook my head.

-Go get some food, I'll wait right here.

I shook my head again.

-I should watch what I eat more. I explained.

He looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow before taking me by the elbow and leading me over there.

-You either pick something or I'm gonna get you one of everything.

I looked over at him not moving.

-Don't look at me like that.

I looked at my feet for a while and he just grabbed a plate and started to put a little of each dish on it.

-Okay... I mumbled.

I grabbed the plate from him and his eyes closed, he must've been smiling. He put his hand on my lower back and guided me to an empty table. He seemed to be content just watching me eat, but it made me really selfcouncious.

We hadn't even been there for five minutes that someone popped up behind Kakashi and put his hands on both his shoulders. I looked over and it was a tall man with dark black hair in an unusual hairstyle. He was accompanied by a pink haired girl who looked very happy to be there.

Kakashi turned around to look at his assailant. He smiled again and started talking to the man.

-Hey! Didn't know you would be here this early.

-We were here before you, the black haired man replied.

The stranger looked over at me and looked back at Kakashi with a confused expression.

-Oh! This is Naruto, he's a friend of mine. He explained. He turned to me. Naruto, this is Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura, his fiancé.

I hadn't expected to meet anyone tonight, so I just gave a small smile and continued eating. The food was really good.

-He's very shy, I heard Kakashi explain.

The two man started talking about various topics. The chair next to mine moved and, Sakura was it?, came to sit next to me. She looked over at her fiancé and Kakashi for a while before turning her attention to me once I was done eating.

-Want to go dance? She asked.

I looked over at Kakashi for a while, but he hadn't heard her.

-They're going to be at it for a while, she said.

I nodded, not knowing how to dance normally, and she grabbed my hand to pull me towards the dancefloor.

She lead the way as I stood like a pole in the middle of the floor. After a while, she figured something was wrong and started to talk again.

-Want me to show you how?

I nodded and she started explaining the simple steps. A slow song came on and she grinned.


She took her place next to me and nodded at me. I slowly started leading her around like she showed me. She looked very pleased with herself.

The song came to an end and I didn't mess up too much. I was proud of myself. Sakura got a mischievous look in her eyes as someone poked my shoulder. I turned around to see Kakashi looking at me.

-Mind if I borrow him?

Sakura stepped back and Kakashi came to stand in front of me. He started talking when Sasuke left with Sakura. They started dancing on the edge of the platform.

-I have to admit I didn't see you leave, he giggled nervously.

I didn't answer as he took my hand in his and put his hand on my hip. He spun me around and pulled me swiftly. I crashed on his chest and he chuckled.

I looked up at him and held my breath. He seemed to look directly at my soul. We didn't say anything as he started swaying us left and right. Eventually, he resumed his previous position and was more gentle in spinning me around. He brought us closer and I could smell his cologne. He smelled like spring.

We danced for a little while until Kakashi excused himself. He left me in the middle of the floor and approached someone who looked a lot like Sasuke, but older. They hugged and before I could follow them, someone swooped in and started talking to me.

-Care to dance? He said in a belittleing tone.

I looked at him, hesitating. Something just told me he was up to no good. He radiated confidence, but something was off about his aura.

-I'm Daniel, he said as he took my hand. He gave a little bow, and pulled me closer to him.

I tried retracting my hand and turned to leave, but he held it even tighter and forced me to face him again.

-I asked you nicely, but I can also force you to do what I wish, he whispered in my ear.

I stopped breathing as he continued to talk.

-How about giving me a nice lap dance in the closet, pet?

He knew. I didn't know how, but he knew who I was. My eyes grew wide, but I tried to calm down. I couldn't let him see he struck a nerve, but it would actually be very easy for him to drag me somewhere and just take off with me. So many people, way too much noise.

He pulled away and grinned evily at me. He gripped my wrist and came to pull me away, when I felt two arms rest on my shoulders. Forearms wrapped around my neck and gently stopped me from moving.

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