Rescue Mission

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Kakashi POV!

Sakura called me panicking. She asked if Naruto was alright, because he had sent her a message asking for help and he didn't answer his phone when she tried calling him. I immediately tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail. Sakura also mentioned a weird text he sent.


I freaked out and walked to the bakery, trying to find him. It only scared me more when I found his scarf abandoned on the sidewalk. I had a bad feeling about this.

I called Sasuke and he thought maybe Orochimaru was behind this. So I warned him that I was going to go to the club and to make sure the cops over there were waiting for me. I hopped in the car and drove so fast I burned every light and almost wrecked my car 3 times. The 20 minute trip only took me 9.

I barged into Orochimaru's office. He didn't look surprise to see me there, which confirmed that he knew something.

-Tell me where he is.

-Oh my dear nephew, whatever do you mean. He said innocently.

-Where's Naruto. I know you know something.

-I rented him out. I needed someone to do what you weren't willing to.

-Who did you rent him to?!

He didn't speak for a few seconds.  I pushed his desk aside and grabbed him by the throat.

-Tell me now!

-Someone's been very interested in Naruto for a while now.

I thought about the text he sent. 'Dsnie' when suddenly it all made sense.

-It was Daniel, wasn't it.

Orochimaru only smirked and I figured he wouldn't say anything more. So I let him fall on the ground and was running outside when a lady grabbed my arm, stopping me. Based on the outfit she wore, she was clearly working as a dancer.

-Would you like a dance, sweety? She asked.

-No thank you, I have things to do.

She looked seriously at me and insisted.

-I think you really want a dance.

I raised an eyebrow, but her serious tone made me nod and follow her in a private room.

-I saw Naruto earlier. He's the one you're looking for, right?

-Do you know where he went?

She shook her head.

-He was tied up and being dragged away when I saw him. He didn't even see me. They left in a black SUV.

She handed me a small paper.

-I saw their license plate. Maybe this would help.

I looked at the number before nodding to her.

-Go make sure he's safe, okay?

-I promise. Thank you.

I bolted out of there for good. There were three cops waiting for me outside. I sent one to arrest Orochimaru and close down the club. They called for backup and I gave the license plate to another one of them.

I called Sasuke to give him some updates. He wasn't surprised when I told him what Daniel had done and  started looking for his phone number. As he was doing that, the cops confirmed that the van was registered to Daniel's name. They sent someone that was near his house to check if he was there.

Sasuke quickly found the phone number and I asked the officers to track it. We noticed it was going towards the countryside.

The literal SWAT team turned up into two different armed vehicules. When we told them that it was also a kidnapping case they came up a quick course of action and separated. One van stayed at the club and the other one was preparing to go follow the cell signal.The cops didn't want me tagging along, but I really didn't give them much choice.

It had been 50 minutes since Naruto had been kidnapped. The signal was maybe 35 minutes away from us.

The SWAT drove out as I followed them with my car. I called Sasuke again to give him updates. He told me he'd send an ambulance after us, just in case we needed it. He told me he looked it up, and Daniel had multiple arrests out since his teens for assault and rape. He didn't know how he got away with it for so long.

My heart sank and I gripped the wheel tighter. He also told me that his father had a propriety in the countryside. It looked like that was where we were headed as well.

We arrived at the house 30 minutes later, which was 25 minutes after they had arrived. We stay a street away so we wouldn't be seen. I wanted to barge in, but the SWAT stopped me. They called a cop car from that county and while we waited for them, they devised a plan to get it.

We didn't know if they were armed or not, but we knew Daniel and Naruto weren't the only ones in there.

The plan part only took 5 minutes, and by that time, the backup cops were there as well. They gave me a bulletproof vest and a gun. We quickly got into position to breach.

We announced our presence loudly as the first cop kicked the door open. I was at the far back, because I was a civilian. We encountered our first guys in the living room area. They weren't armed and surrendered easily.

The cops handcuffed them and started asking them where Naruto was. The first one said he didn't know what we were talking about, but the third one that was very skinny and short fessed up pretty quickly. Naruto was in the basement, but we were also told that Daniel was with him. We were informed that he wasn't armed, but that he was dangerous.

I ran towards the basement and two other cops ran after me. The rest stayed upstairs to gather more evidence as well as confessions.

I made sure to stay quiet, but when I heard heavy breaths and movements, I couldn't stop. I kicked in the door and my eyes fell on Daniel. He was on top of Naruto and his hand was inside his boxers. Naruto looked like shit. He had bite marks all over and they were bleeding. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he could pass out at any moment. I noticed his ribs were badly bruised.

I pointed my gun at Daniel and he jumped back. He definitively didn't think we'd find him. I was so tempted to shoot, but I heard Naruto whimper. I couldn't waste time on Daniel.

The cops that were running after me came up behind me and I lowered my gun to get to Naruto. I untied his hands and I held him close to me.

The cops arrested Daniel and forced him to give us the keys to free Naruto. Once that was done, I helped him put his pants back on.

-Naruto, I'm here, I got you.

-Kashi... He mumbled.

When the all clear was given, I took off my bulletproof vest and slipped off my jacket to give to Naruto.

-I think my ribs are broken, Naruto mumbled.

-Don't worry, I'll make you all better.

He nodded and I picked him up being careful of his wounds.  The cops took the lead to go back upstairs with Daniel, and I trailed behind with Naruto.

We rushed him to the ambulance that had arrived a few minutes prior. They checked his ribs and confirmed that they would need to get him to a hospital. Naruto refused, saying he wanted to stay with me. I affirmed him that I would stay. I gave my car keys to a cop, asking him to drop it at the police station. I got in the ambulance with Naruto and we started the drive to the nearest hospital.

Naruto was given pain medication and they started treating all of his bite marks by cleaning them up and putting some ointment on it, finishing up by putting bandages on every single one.

I kept Naruto in my hold and he dozed off a few minutes later.

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