The Uchiha Way

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She stopped dead in her tracks, and I stopped two feet in front of her. I looked at her over my shoulder. She looked like she might've been about to cry.

- I'm safe, now, Sakura. I'm safe with Kakashi and Sasuke and Itachi and you and the girls. And while nothing of what happened to me was okay, having met you all makes it at least a little worth it.

She walked to me and hugged my side as we turned to Ino and Sai that had stopped walking. We joined the group again, and Sakura didn't bring it back up for the rest of the evening.

Sai and Ino eventually left Sakura and I alone, and we quickly decided to call it a day, too.

I put all her bags in the trunk of her car and sat in the passenger seat next to her. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, I received a text from Kakashi.

Opening my phone, I noticed I had received several all ranging from an hour ago to a second ago. The most recent one read "I'm going to call the cops if you don't answer soon.". Worry took the better part of my brain and I quickly read over the preceding texts. He was saying that Itachi told him about Orochimaru, then asked me several times if I was okay. Me not answering, he proceeded to text me asking if I'd been hurt, if I was alright, if I needed him to come and get me, and then the most recent one.

I sent him a response as fast as I could, telling him I was alright and just didn't see his texts. In the following texts I understood he was even more anxious about the encounter than I had been, only to realize that me suddenly going missing must've really taken a toll on him, too. I asked him where he was, and he said he was still at the office, finishing up some paperwork.

I asked Sakura to drop me off there, wanting to surprise him. In other circumstances, I would've been afraid of meeting Daniel, but I knew he would never be around here again. I said my goodbyes to Sakura and she went on her way home.

I quickly got into the building, it was past 17h, so there was barely anyone left. I hurriedly made my way to the elevator, where I ended up face to face with Sasuke. I was surprised, thinking he'd already gone back home, but he stepped out to let me through.

- Hey, how are you holding up? He asked nonchalantly.

- Kashi seems more shaken up than I was.

- He tends to be.

There was a few beats of silence and I was about to step in, when he spoke again.

- I feel bad for you.

Which, I figured, is the Uchiha way of saying 'I'm sorry for what you went through'.

- It's going to take a while for me to find myself, I guess. But I'm in a much better place.

- If there's anything I can do to help.

- You are, I responded with a smile. Thank you, Sasuke.

His face widened for a second before he composed himself.

- Welcome, dobe.

I stuck my tongue out at him as the elevator doors closed, seperating us. I pressed the right button, and up I went.

I guessed the Uchihas weren't really big on emotions, or at least showing them. Still, I understood Sasuke's message perfectly. Even Itachi protected me in his own way earlier. I felt loved. Each of them cared for me in a different way, but I was still cared for, regardless.

The elevator biped (bipped?) and the doors open. The secretary was nowhere to be found, probably done for the day, but it didn't matter. I knew where I was going.

I noticed his door was open, and opted to rest on the doorframe, watching him. He looked focus, nervous, and kinda hot. The suit got it going for him. One of his hand rested in his hair, the other scribbling on some papers with a pen hastily. After a couple minutes, I decided to break the silence.

- Hey, handsome. Any chance I could get that phone number?

He jumped slightly before his eyes snapped on mine. Relief was evident on his features as he rose up to hug me in a strong, but delicate embrace.

- Sunshine, are you okay? He asked all worried.

I giggled at the pet name, but nodded against his chest. He gave me a kiss on the head before pulling away.

- You don't need to be so anxious, I'm fine.

- Get ready, because I don't think I'll ever stop worrying for you.

I laughed.

- I'm not that much of a troublemaker, I answered.

- No, you seem to be more like a trouble magnet than anything else.

I kissed a cloth covered cheek before we both settled down.

- I'll wait on the couch until you're done.

- No, stay close to me, please. You can come sit on my desk.

- Won't it break?

- Don't worry about that.

He pulled me by his side, my hand in his. I sat on the desk next to his papers. He sat back down on his chair and rolled closer to me. He put his left arm around my waist while he went back to signing papers.

He was done in a couple minutes and put the papers in his top drawer with his pen. He looked up at me with a smile under his mask.

- Are the bruises gone? He asked hinting at my ribs.

I nodded as he softly put his hands on my hips.

- Can I take a look?

I nodded again and he lifted my shirt up slightly. He traced my ribs with the tips of his fingers and I shivered. He approached his head and I thought he was just trying to inspect me further, until he reached for his mask and pulled it down. He approached his face to the dip between my hip and my ribs and gave it a warm kiss. Goosebumps filled every inch of my skin as he finally let my shirt fall down, seemingly satisfied.

He stood up slowly, pulling up his mask and grabbing his jacket to head home with me.

- Let's go, Naru.

- Yep, give me a second, I can't feel my legs.

- What do you mean? He asked confused.

-Don't be all confused, it's all your fault! I accused.

He seemed even more confused until his face shot up with understanding.

- It was just a little kiss! He defended.

- You can't do that out of the blue!

He gave a deep, happy laugh and I couldn't help but smile too.

- Want me to carry you? He said seductively

- Are you insane? There are still people here, and I can walk on my own.

- Aawww, but I like having you close to me. He complained.

I got up form the desk and lead the way outside the office, closing the door behind us.

- Come on, let's go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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