Don't Leave Me

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We switched to the main elevator and Kakashi pressed the button to his floor. The doors opened to a big hallway and a receptionist on the right. She welcomed us in and kakashi lead me to his office.

-I have to go to another floor for a meeting, but you can sit at my desk and play on my computer if you want. Kakahsi said.

I nodded and sat down as he turned around towards the door.

-Door opened or closed? He asked.

-You can keep it open, I said.

He nodded and swiftly left the room. I looked around and noticed a bookshelf on the right with a cream coloured couch for two. The walls of the office were a clear white, like in the lobby and on this entire floor it seemed.

I opened the computer and pulled up YouTube. I clicked on a video on a comic about cats and dogs.

After a few minutes, I heard a door at the end of the hallway open and people started to leave towards the elevator. I assumed it was another conference room and got up to close the door. I barely had time to touch the handle that I saw someone familiar from the corner of my eye. I didn't have time to react that Daniel was in front of me. I didn't know Kakashi did business with him. Actually, I didn't know anything about Daniel other than his name.

-Look who we have here! Daniel said as he lightly pushed me into the room.

I started stepping back to put some distance between us, which worked until my butt pushed against Kakashi's desk. I looked behind me to realize that I was, in fact, cornered. When I looked back Daniel had this creepy grin on his face.

-Interested in my offer now that Kakashi isn't here to protect you, pet? He asked.

Kakashi POV

I was in the room for less then ten minutes and the problem was fixed, so I decided to stick around to make sure everything was okay.

A few minutes into that, an employee turned around and asked me a question.
-Shouldn't you be overseeing the meeting with the tech company? She asked.

-That meeting actually just ended, another one said.

I froze a bit. Daniel was in that tech company. I started fearing the worst and quickly excused myself before rushing to my office.

Naruto POV.
-There's already a couch in here for us to have fun.

-Let me go, I said quietly but firmly.

I started shaking. I prayed Kakashi would come back soon to help me. The predator in front of me made me feel like he would give me much of a choice and I didn't want to lose myself in here. He would take me on the couch with no hesitation.

He bent down to my ear, I could smell his cologne from how close he was and I tried not to whimper.

-You're trembling. Don't be scared, pet. I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be begging for more.

He started pushing me towards the couch but I held onto the desk and tried not to move. He gave a frustrated sigh before taking both my hands in his and holding me so tight I knew I'd bruise. I let go of the desk and he shoved me on the couch.

I tried to get up and scream, but he put his hand on my mouth. I trashed and wiggled as much as I could to break free, but he kept me firmly pinned down. I didn't want to cry, but I felt tears rolling on my cheeks. It couldn't go down like that.

He undid his tie and solved it in my mouth to keep me quiet. He undid his belt and tied me up with it. I felt him play with the zipper of my jeans and I closed my eyes, my heart going a mile a minute and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, Daniel was pulled away from me. I expected the worst, so I kept my eyes closed shut as I heard a bit of a fight next to me. I felt gentle hands undo the belt and the tie.

-Open your eyes please, I heard Kakashi's voice.

I opened my eyes and let out a breath as well as a sob as he took me into his arms. I breathed in his calming scent and nuzzled into his neck.

-Did he hurt you? Am I too late?

I shook my head as I started to cry in relief. I was so scared. I looked at my hands to see that I was still trembling. He gave me a kiss on my temple and held me even tighter, but it didn't hurt.

-I'm going to call the cops, okay? He whispered.

I nodded and he pulled out his phone. He pulled his head away but kept his grip on me. It gave me warmth and I started to doze of from all the emotions. I barely heard his call as I was falling asleep on his shoulder.

He hung up and noticed my current state. He rubbed my back before laying me back down on the couch.

-Kashi, don't leave me, I whimpered.

-I won't, he promised.

He got up to get a blanket that was on a shelf and draped it over me, waiting for the cops. He called the lobby to give them instructions when the police did show up.

He stayed close to me and rubbed my arm up and down until I finally fell asleep.

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