Gossip And Mask Free

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It was now Friday. It had been four days since my encounter with Daniel. Kakashi had not made a move yet, which confused me a great amount. What was he waiting for? Should I just ask him to? I don't want to do it though. I'll just wait for him to mention it.

I knocked on the door of the house, and Sakura came to open it. She smiled widely when she saw me.

-Naruto, I'm glad you could make it.

She lead me down the hall and into the living room. I was the last one to get here apparently, so I sat down in the one seat left and Sakura introduced me. To my left was Sakura, then Ino and then Hinata to my right.

The girls started gossiping about some people working with their husbands. From what I got, Ino was married to a man named Sai and Hinata was married to a Kiba. They all seemed to be relatively in the same business as Kakashi.

I wasn't really listening to the subjects, I didn't know who they were referring to most of the time, until I heard Daniel's name.

-I heard Daniel got fired from his company! Ino said.

-Apparently he's in jail because he tried to sexually abuse someone, Sakura added.

-That's horrible, I feel so bad for that person, Hinata said.

I flinched at the topic. What should I add to that? I tried not to move, hoping the topic would change, but it didn't.

-Actually, I think it happened at Kakashi's company. Sakura said. She turned to me. Do you happen to know anything about it?

-Ummm, yea I heard about it. I replied. Kakashi was the one to stop him, he punched him in the face.

-Kakashi is truly a hero. Hinata replied.

-Yes. It must've been pretty scary. Ino said.

-Do you know who it was? Sakura insisted.

-It's complicated... I tried to brush it off.

-What did they look like? Ino said.

I knew they weren't doing it to be mean, but I was growing very uncomfortable. They were just curious.

-We should send them something, Hinata nodded.

-It was me, I admitted.

The room got pretty silent as they all looked at me with wide eyes.

-It was you? Ino said.

-Yes. Kakashi got called to work and I decided to come with. I stumbled upon Daniel there.

Sakura covered her mouth with her hand.

-I'm so sorry! And we were talking about it like it was nothing.

-It's fine, you were just curious. You couldn't have known.

-I hope he goes away for a very long time, Ino said.

-Me too.

-Are you okay, though?

I nodded.

-Kakashi's been very nice and patient about it.

-He better be.

They swiftly changed the subject to something more light-hearted and I joined in from time to time.

Ino was the first to leave, then Hinata. I waited for Kakashi to come pick me up, and we left in his car towards home.

When we got there, Kakashi gave me a phone, and started working on some food. I inspected the phone. I had never got one. Orochimaru didn't want me to be on social media. I opened it up to see that it was already set up. I looked in the contacts to see that I had two: Kakashi and Sakura.

I smiled and put the phone down on the table as I sat on a chair to look at Kakashi. He finished cooking the stew and gave me a bowl and a spoon. He sat down next to me and we both began eating.

Once we finished the meal, Kakashi started asking me about my day, and what we talked about. I didn't mention the Daniel part, but I told him how it went.

-Don't take it the wrong way, I started, but why haven't you made a move yet? I asked.

He raised a brow at me.

-Do you want me to?

-Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was with you.

-Until the 'I wouldn't mind' changes to 'I want to', then I'm not making a move.

I looked at him confused, but he ignored me and took our bowls to put them away. After that, he went to sit on the couch. He looked at me and patted the place next to him. I got up and sat down next to him. He put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into his touch.

Kakashi's been really cuddly lately. I'm the one that started it though. After Daniel, I was sticking to his side like glue, and he met me halfway. But now, it feels like he's not afraid to reach out to me. I like it.

Theres a lot of things that I like about Kakashi. He's honest, kind, gentle and I like this place. I finally feel like I have a home after all these years. I have someone truly looking after me without a condition or deals. I like his scent or how calm he makes me. I like how he runs his fingers through my hair. I like how possessive of me he gets sometimes.

I looked over at him and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at me questioningly before seeing the smile on my face.

-What's got you smiling like that?

-You, I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso and nuzzled deeper into him.

He nuzzled my hair and pulled me on his lap sideways. He reached out to his face before pulling down his mask. I couldn't see his face, but I felt a pair of warm lips pressed against my head.

He pulled back and I looked up. A blush spread on my face as I took him in. Sharp jawline, pink lips, he looked even more attractive. I gave a warm smile and he reciprocated it. I saw a hint of straight, white teeth.

His eyes glinted with trust and happiness. He looked so gorgeous that I found myself wanting to kiss him. He seemed to understand my intentions, but didn't follow through with it. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and pulled me up to go to sleep.

I hugged him tight as I fell asleep.

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