#11 [ third wheeling ]

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Skip | two days later, Monday
[ 8 August 2022, Monday ]

Aisyah come early to school as always since her school van is always send them early to school.

Aisyah sat on her class line at the square.

"Aisyahh.." said Airis as she walk to Aisyah, bringing a chocolate with her.

"Someone gave u this." Airis said.

"Who ?" Aisyah asked.

"Mana boleh bagitau." Airis answered.

"Macam tu kau ambik lah."
"Aku tak nak."
"Kang tiba-tiba aku kena racun, macam mana ?" Aisyah started her overthinking.

"Eish kau ni."
"Tak baik tau."
"Ni si Daniel Amirul kelas sebelah tu bagi." Airis said.

"Daniel Amirul mana ?" Aisyah asked.

"Alaa.. yang handsome-handsome tu." Airis described.

"Yang pengawas tu ke ?" Aisyah asked.

"Ha yeee.. tu la dia."
"Kau duduk dalam gua ke ?"
"Semua orang kau tak kenal." Airis joke.

"Dah la aku tak nak.."
"Kau bagi la dia balik."
"Ataupon kau makan je lah." Aisyah rejected.

"Amboi kalau Wymen laju je kau ambik ea.." Airis teased.

"Shut up." Aisyah said.

"Kau tak pergi kat kawan kau ke ?" Aisyah asked.

"Aku dah tak kawan dengan kroni tu."
"Malas lah aku." Airis said.

"Why ?" Aisyah asked.

"All of them are toxic."
"Kalau kau nak tau."
"Dorang tak bagi aku kawan dengan kau."
"Dorang kata orang yang tak de kawan je kawan dengan kau."
"Kalau ikutkan aku nak je maki sekor-sekor tapi waktu tu aku bodoh."
"Aku biarkan dorang ejek, kutuk kau." Airis explained.

"Tak pe la."
"Betul jugak apa diorang cakap."
"Habistu sekarang kau nak kawan dengan siapa ?" Aisyah asked.

"Dengan kau lah."
"Siapa lagi ?" Airis said.

"Kau tak kisah ke kawan dengan orang yang tak de kawan ?" Aisyah asked.

"Apa kau merepek ni ?"
"Kau ambik chocolate ni."
"Kau simpan."
"Kau tak nak makan pon tak pe."
"Kau ambik je .." Airis said.

"Tapi aku tak nak lah." Aisyah said.

"Ambik lahh, Aisyah."
"Tak kan aku nak bagi balik dia." Airis explained.

"Macam tu kau ambik je lahh." Aisyah said.

"Kang Xinzhan tanya aku siapa bagi , aku nak jawab apa pulak ?" Airis said leaving Aisyah in silence.

"Hm ye lah.. aku ambik lah." Aisyah said taking the chocolate from Airis's hand.

"Kan bagus macam tu." Airis said giving Aisyah a wide smile. Aisyah response with a smile on her face.

In class.

As always, the boys will come inside of the class first before the girls. Wymen was already on his seat when Aisyah and Airis come inside of the class.

"Hi!" Wymen said as he wave to the both of them.

"Look who just got chocolate !" Airis said moving her eyebrows up and down towards Aisyah.

"Who gave you?" Wymen asked curiously.

"Daniel Amirul." Airis answered for Aisyah.

"Oh a boy ?" He asked.

"Yeaa.. why dude ?" Airis asked.
"Jealous is itt ...." Airis teased.

"Hello ?"
"This is Liew Wymen, okay ?" Wymen said.

Time skip, recess time.

Wymen and Aisyah is heading to the square until..

"Aisyah !!" An unfamiliar voice calling Aisyah's name from behind the both of them.

Aisyah stopped so do Wymen. The both of them turn around to see where the voice came from.

And turns out..

Its Daniel Amirul.

"Aisyah, saya nak cakap dengan awak jap boleh ?" Daniel asked.

"Untuk apa ?" Aisyah asked back.

"Sekejap je.." Daniel response.

"Penting sangat ke ?"
"Saya nak pergi rehat lah.."
"Lain kali ea.." Aisyah rejected.

"Boleh lah.."
"Saya janji sekejap je." Daniel pleads.

"Bro, she said she don't want, she don't want la."
"What so hard to understand ?" Wymen intervene in their conversation.

"Kau sibuk apasal ?"
"This has nothing to do with you."
"Shut the fvck up." Daniel said as he raised his voice.

"Watch your words, Daniel." Wymen said while gritting his teeth.

"Apahal ?"
"Kau nak buat apa ?" Daniel said as he came close and pushed Wymen's body several times backwards.

"SOHAI." Wymen said as he grabbed Daniel's collar and released a punch to his face.

Daniel did not remain silent, he defended himself in retaliation.

"WYMEN STOP !" Aisyah tried to stop them but they were not listening to Aisyah until one of the teacher who's on duty come and stop them.

"Kamu bertiga, masuk bilik disiplin sekarang !" With blood on the lips and cheeks, Wymen along with Daniel and Aisyah went to the discipline room.

As they're on their way, Aisyah was talking with Wymen.

"Why did you punch him ?" Aisyah asked.

"Why? You wanna say its all my fault is it ?" He asked as he held the blood on his lips.

"Thats not what I mean."
"But your action is wrong."
"Look where we end up going." Aisyah said.

"You're defending this shit ?"
"I tried to help you, you know ?"
"He also punch me in the face."
"See." Wymen said while showing a wound on his cheek.

"Im not defending him.." Aisyah said.

"You know what ?"
"We should just shut up." Wymen said controlling his anger as he get inside of the discipline room along with Aisyah and Daniel.

to be continued.

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