# 20 [ the clock is clicking ]

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[ 1 February 2023 , Tuesday ]

Aisyah's POV

The wind was blowing as hard as if it understood my feelings very well. The morning breeze was so cold like how my heart felt to end my journey in this school. Starting the new journey on the village.

I believe in the provisions that Allah has set for me. I believe this is the best and the right for me. I must be lying if I say that I didn't feel sad , but now i have to accept how he set my life cuz he's the only one who knows what's the best for me. Everything happens for reasons.

I suddenly remember ummi always told me to always accept Allah's provision with an open heart. He is the only one who deserves to decide our way of life. But that doesn't mean we don't have to work hard, God will give us something as big as our efforts to get it.

I headed to school and sit on the square with Airis. We were having chit chatting about a lot of stuffs. We maximise the time that left as we don't know when are we going to spend our precious time together again. Will it be the next two years? Five years? Ten years?

In the class,

*knock knock

" maaf ganggu, zawani. nak panggi Airis dengan Aisyah boleh ?" Cikgu Ashabul , our class teacher and also teaches us RBT asked teacher zawani to meet the both of us.

"Kenapa cikgu ?" Airis asked.

"Cikgu nak minta tolong kamu berdua ni." Cikgu ashabul said.

"Tolong apa cikgu?" I asked curiously.

" Kamu berdua tolong cikgu tanda kan kertas RBT boleh ? Cikgu banyak benda nak uruskan ni." Cikgu Ashabul asked for help as he scratching his head and even getting headache with problems in school.

"Boleh je cikgu, mana kertasnya ?" Airis asked.

" Tu ada meja cikgu, kamu tolong tandakan bahagian A dulu. Skema jawapan ada dalam plastik kertas tu."

" Ikut kamu berdua la nak tanda kelas mana dulu.. Semua ada 5 kelas." Cikgu Ashabul explained.

" Kamu tanda jawapan dekat yg bahagian hitamkan tu je .. kalau betul tanda slash kat yg dihitamkan tu , kalau salah biar kan kosong."

"Dah tanda, kira berapa betul, lepastu isi kan depan tu." He explained deeply.

"Baik, Cikgu. Kami faham." Aisyah said as both of them understand very well the instructions give by their teacher.

They passionately do the work that cikgu ashabul asked us to do . Of course they are still chit chatting about random stuffs since tomorrow is going to be the last day of school.

They laughed at their jokes. They enjoy every single second that left for the both of them. Cikgu Ashabul task let them to fill the time in a memorable way. Airis even got the chance to mark Xinzhan paper since he's one of cikgu Ashabul's student. Hm lets not talk about his result i guees.

Time passed by and they have completed marking for 2 classes. They have 3 more class but Cikgu Ashabul said finish for 2 class first for today. They'll finish the rest tomorrow which is the last day of school.

Time skip and its time to go home. Airis want to walk to the school gate with Aisyah but Xinzhan wants to walk with Airis . So, they three decided to walk together.

" Ahh i cannot feel walking with you again, next year." Airis said to Aisyah as they lock their arm together.

" What do you mean ? You wanna say im dying ha ?" Xinzhan cut off.

"This little bi- im not talking to you meh ." Airis replied as she gave him a sharp stares.

"La youre talking to Aisyah ?"
" ok go on .."

"You mau rasa tapak kaki saya tak?" Aisyah said.

" Tapak kaki you tak nak, kek tapak kuda nak." Xinzhan said as he gave a silly smile.

"U .. ah .. banyak kacau la lengchai. Kasi diam sekejap. Orang nak feel pon tk boleh." Airis said to Xinzhan.

"Ok, I merajuk." Xinzhan said as he cross his arm.

"Merajuk la .. pergi main jauh-jauh." Airis said.

"Nanti kau pindah .. siapa nk jalan dengan aku ?" Airis said to Aisyah.

"What ? AISYAH NAK PINDAH ??" The fact that shocked Xinzhan.

To be continued ..

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