#12 [ arguement ]

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In discipline room.

The three of them stand up right in front of Cikgu Azean, the discipline teacher for the evening session.

"Macam mana boleh gaduh macam ni ?"
"Siapa yang mula." Aisyah who's standing right between Wymen and Daniel just stay so while the both of them were showing their index finger towards each other.

"Apa main tunjuk-tunjuk ?"
"CAKAP." Cikgu Azean raised her voice.

"Daniel, awak pengawas kan ?"
"Kenapa awak tumbuk anak orang ?" Cikgu Azean asked.

"Bukan saya yang tumbuk dulu, cikgu."
"Apek cina ni yang start." Daniel defending himself.

"Jaga ayat awak, Daniel."
"Kalau macam ni awak guna bahasa awak, macam mana tak gaduh ?" Cikgu Azean said.

"Wymen, betul ke awak yang tumbuk dia dulu ?" Cikgu Azean asked.

"Ye, cikgu."
"Memang betul saya yang tumbuk dia dulu."
"Tapi dia yang kacau saya dan Aisyah dahulu." Wymen explained.

"Daniel kacau macam mana ?" Cikgu Azean asked to Wymen.

"Dia nak bercakap dengan saya sekejap, cikgu."
"Tapi saya tak nak."
"Tapi Daniel dengil, dia nak jugak cakap dengan saya."
"Wymen pon masuk campur sebab waktu tu saya nak pergi rehat dengan dia."
"Daniel berkasar bahasa dengan Wymen."
"Wymen dah bersabar dah mula-mula, tapi Daniel tetap berkasar lagi sampai tolak Wymen."
"Tu yang mendapat kat muka." Aisyah explained the full story.

"Ouhh, berebut awek la ni ?"
"Wymen, apa sebab awak masuk campur ?" Cikgu Azean asked.

"Sebab saya kasihan dekat Aisyah."
"And plus kami nak beli roti canai telur berbasuh dekat kantin tu.."
"Cepat sangat habis, tak sempat kami nak beli." Wymen giving a fake statement leaving Aisyah looking at him in a weird way.

"Cikgu nampak dua-dua salah."
"Dua-dua minta maaf sesama sendiri."

"Aisyah, saya minta maaf." Daniel said to Aisyah.

"Bukan Aisyah." Cikgu Azean added. But Daniel and Wymen went silent.

"Tak nak minta maaf ?"
"Tak pe."
"Cikgu call parents kamu." Cikgu Azean warned reaching her phone.

"Aku mintak maaf." Daniel said to Wymen without moving his head even an inch.

"Aku pon mintak maaf." Wymen said not looking at each other.

"Ikhlas sikit boleh tak ?" Cikgu Azean said.

"Aku minta maaf..." Daniel said giving a fake smile at Wymen.

"Aku pon..." Wymen replied also giving Daniel a fake smile.

"Pergi masuk class." Cikgu Azean said.

The three of them get out of the discipline room. Daniel went in front leaving Aisyah and Wymen behind.

"U okay ?" Aisyah asked.

"..." no response from Wymen.

"Liew Wymen, are you okay ?" Aisyah asked in a begging way for him to response.

"Why would you care ?"
"Go ask Daniel if he's okay." Wymen response.

"Wymen, why are you like this ?" Aisyah asked.

"You're asking me why am I like this ?"
"I tried to help you until it's harm myself but you're defending the guy who gave you the chocolate."
"Why ?"
"Because you like him is it ?" Wymen let out what he thought as the both of them stop trough the hallway.

"I am not defending him."
"But what you did was wrong."
"You hurt yourself and also others."
"You put yourself into a fight."
"I don't like that." Aisyah explained.

"He pushed me in the first place."
"I did all of that for you."
"Could you at least appreciate it ?" Wymen said.

"Yes, he pushed you, but is it a need for you to punch him ?"
"Oh appreciate you punch the others?"
"Like that ?" Aisyah asked.

"You know what ?"
"I'm tired of arguing." Wymen said leaving Aisyah behind and get inside of their class.

Wymen went inside of the class first following Aisyah behind him. All of eyes were on them. They go to their seat and sit like nothing happened.

"What happened ?" Airis asked to Aisyah.

"A long story." Aisyah said.

"Pendekkan." Airis response.

"Dia tumbuk Daniel." Aisyah said without looking at Airis.

"Who ?" Airis asked.

"Siapa lagi?" Aisyah said giving a sign that Wymen did.

"For real ?" Airis asked.

"Hello, he pushed me first." Wymen interrupted.

"You punched him first." Aisyah said.

"So?" Wymen asked.

"You start it all." Aisyah blaming.

"Oh wow.."
"You're blaming me now ?" Wymen laughed as he said.

"Airis, Aisyah, Wymen."
"Apa yang kecoh sangat kat belakang tu ?" Cikgu Zawani said.

"Tak de apa-apa cikgu." Airis answered as she smiled.

To be continued.

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