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This chapter is 10,600 words I'm ngl don't piss me off in all seriousness while being unserious don't ghost

This chapter is 10,600 words I'm ngl don't piss me off in all seriousness while being unserious don't ghost

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Emoni sat in a chair by the common area while she waited for Sincere to come from the bathroom

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Emoni sat in a chair by the common area while she waited for Sincere to come from the bathroom. She felt uneasy. Short even. When she woke up she went to his apartment and brought him clothes to change into in the bathroom, his tooth brush, and slides. Her sleep schedule was already off with her adjusting to the new dorm environment but knowing Sincere was out of touch made it worse.

The previous night was the first night in two where she'd been able to have a blink of sleep. Even that took hours to accomplish. She'd closed her eyes at four in the morning and had an alarm set to go get him at eight.

While she waited a burning irritation began to form in the pit of her stomach. It made a knot form in her throat. Where the fuck was his mom. Emoni didn't understand. He wasn't a person you didn't want to be around.

In the middle of her thought the bathroom door opened and Sincere came out of the bathroom, a look of angst strained his face. Emoni perked hers up in attempts to show him how excited she was to see him and she stood.

"Hi Sincy." She walked up to him and wrapped his arms around her. He was slow to react but held her close. Emoni felt the knot in her throat tighten at how dull he seemed to be seeing her. She knew not to take it personal.

Her impression seemed to be wrong when Sincere's arm's tightened around her waist, holding her to a point where she couldn't breathe. Despite that it was relieving.

He pushed his head into her neck and pressed his face against her, kissing her neck intimately before pulling away. Emoni brought her hand up to ruffle his hair and wrapped her arm around his waist to be closer. He held onto her pulling her close to him by the waist while they walked in silence.

"You want McDonalds?" She asked after noticing the time on her apple watch. Sincere nodded and she nodded back. Emoni wanted to give him some time to be silent for a moment but couldn't help herself. "How are you feeling?"

He shrugged. Her eyebrows were raised and she looked up at him. "I'm as good as I can be. I'm happy to be back with you." He replied, looking at her to see if that answer sufficed. The frown on her face proved to be a no. They got to the doors leading to outside and she let out a loud sigh.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora