Keegan - Rescue

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Wattpad took this whole book down for a month and a half but it's back now so yaaaayy. It was given back with my drafts everywhere so if anyone spots a draft that's just me rambling about a plot please tell me!! :D

Reader is fem + 2000 words + constant pov switches :(
about: Reader is a ghost and often goes undercover

Y/n hadn't answered comms for hours, and the others had come to the conclusion that her equipment was broken. The tracker? broken. Microphones? broken. Had they found out she was wearing a wire? Keegan had paced his location ever since he had the first sense something had gone wrong. Y/n was his best friend, they had been ever since their first day of training, but with them now doing more dangerous missions with the Ghosts and having different specialities, they'd definitely had a large number of heart attacks fearing for eachother. Keegan was always the furthest from her, eye glued to his sniper's scope as she corresponded with the enemy, undercover. this time, he wasn't there to see what happened. Logan had taken up the sniper position due to no one expecting the stop, and someone nearly finding him had caused him to lose sight of her - one second she was there, the next she wasn't.

**pov switch :0** (it's you)

"Come see the view!" He took my hand, pulling me slightly to get me out of the truck. There was a sunset, golden rays of light shone across the bridge, it was rather beautiful, but it confused me. The ghosts are set up here, of all places why would my target want me to check out the view here? he lead me forwards to the railing of the bridge, the water below quite loud due to the wind. it would be a long drop, i made sure to check my pockets incase any keys fell out
"It is a great view, i don't think i've ever seen anything like it," i tried to distract myself, hoping i was just paranoid. he then turned to me, moving a hand forwards and holding my chin.
"i'm glad i can make your last memory beautiful," he grinned. i stared, confused
"What? what do you mean?" i didn't move, more in fear than smartness
"Oh you know. the same way i've always known. it could be the records, documents, images that affiliate you with the Ghosts, but what's really making it obvious is the glint of that sniper rifle over there," he pointed, making sure i could see before the glint disappeared. "It was fun to play you, if it means anything to you, l/n."

"Seriously, i don't know what's going on? is this a test?" i rubbed my fingers together, stressed.
"sure," he smiled, before taking a swift step so that i was backed up to the railing, pointing a handgun at me. i didn't have anytime to react before i felt the bullet knock me back, embedding into my shoulder. the pure velocity made me unsteady, and it made everything so much worse. i stumbled back into the railing, flipping over it and suddenly falling.

As soon as i regained consciousness i was thrashing around. The water had a strong current that i couldn't fight against, i was helpless. my hands stung from cuts and splinters from grabbing onto random fallen branches then going straight into dirty water. my shoulder hurt way worse, my arm was going numb which made it harder to grab things. water around me, no mater how much it moved, was dyed red. i was losing energy and hope fast, that was until i saw him.

Keegan. standing at the shore of a bend. i called out, happy, relieved. he was here, but then he was gone, and so was everything else. all i saw was black

*pov switch again*

"Keegan, we've looked everywhere-"
"She can't have just disappeared," Keegan groaned, slamming his fist down on the desk when the computer glitched and lagged trying to show y/n's location.
"Logan saw our target point at him, then he heard someone walking near him. that's enough to say that we've been found out. even if we do find her, she won't be alive. You and her both knew the risk,"
"She's not dead Merrick." he rubbed his eyes, smudging the paint a little before closing the computer. he had never been so tense, even with previous times he'd worried about y/n. He held his head in his hands a little, trying to think, trying to know what to do. What if she was gone? what would he do with himself? He's never loved anyone as much as he loves y/n and he'd never even told her that.

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