Keegan - Medic's house

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I think his personality is off in this one but it's also shorter than usual so that probably explains why he's different. Also i don't know a thing about first aid or whatever is done here. I made it all up.
Neutral Reader

My eyes shot open at the sound of my bedroom door opening. I lived alone, so naturally I completely froze up.
"Fuck," A voice groaned, one I recognised. He leant against a wall, sliding down it.
"Keegan?" I sat up, turning my bedside lamp on, seeing him clearly. He was still wearing his gear, skull mask still pulled up above his nose. Blood soaked through part of his clothes by his stomach, hand bloody from holding it.
"Y/n?" He replied, the same tone of voice as me. I swiftly got up, rushing over to him. "I thought this house was empty, sorry," he grunted, his wound leaking more blood.
"Don't be sorry, you're lucky you came into this one. Come on, I have a med kit in the bathroom." I stood up, offering my hand to help him up. He took it, but I had to use use both hands just to get him up. I practically dragged him to the bathroom, dropping him on the toilet seat.

"What happened?" I asked, reaching for the kit and emptying the contents into the sink.
"Got stabbed," he mumbled.
"How?" I raised an eyebrow, forcing him to lift his arms as I lifted his layers that were covering his torso off, leaving him topless. I thought he was good at his job, how does he get stabbed?
"Bastard snuck up on me while I was focused," he groaned at the movement
"Maybe your luck is running out," I joked, soaking a cotton ball in alcohol, making him wince as i wiped his wound with it.
"Maybe not, seeing as I'm here," he took a deep breath in, voice strained. I felt my face go red. I knew he was talking about the fact that I'm a medic, but it still made my heart flutter.
"Here instead of a Hospital? You know they have better equipment to handle... this," I pointed to his wound, leaking over what I had just swabbed over.
"No, you're the best doc I know," he leaned back as I continued to swipe alcohol over the break in flesh, trying to procrastinate having to suture it.
"That'd be weird seeing as I'm not a doctor," I raised an eyebrow
"You know the practical stuff," I waved his hand.

Eventually I'd covered the whole thing in alcohol, now it was time to do the worst part. I soaked a needle in the same liquid, threading through some surgical thread. I held it in my hand, hesitating.
"This is going to hurt," I looked up into his eyes from my crouched position. He'd already taken his mask off himself, so I could see he didn't look that worried.
"Not more than than it already does-"
"You'll be surprised. Anyway, start talking to me, a nice conversation. How are Hesh and Logan doing?" I readied myself, one hand on his bare side to steady the both of us.
"They're doing alright, Hesh-" his voice faltered as I started , needle stabbing through flesh. Too bad I didn't have any painkillers handy that weren't slow working tablets.
"Keep talking to me Keegan, what about Hesh?" I tried to get him distracted, seeing his eyes drift down to what I was doing.
"Hesh- he blew up a tank the other day, he's really proud of himself. Won't stop... mentioning it," he was practically panting, I had to hold my hand on his chest to calm him down a little. I was nearly to the middle, blood coating my hands.
"Ah, how's Logan dealing with that?" I spoke, too focused on the wound.
"With silence, as always," he tried to not seem affected by what I was doing but he definitely was.

"And how are you doing. I haven't seen you in a while, been up to anything exciting? Got a special someone yet?" I tried to make his answers longer, as much as I feared an answer I wouldn't like.
"It's the same as it's always been. I'll occasionally have some drinks with the guys. Still really like someone..." he flinched when I got to a certain part of the wound, making me drop the needle. I quickly picked it up, cleaning and sterilising it and getting back to work before he could apologise or I could start feeling jealous.
"Someone, huh? So are they good looking or do they have a good personality," I joked, quickly nearing the end.
"Both. I really like them, I always have, they're basically perfect," I had him, he was basically day dreaming, completely out of it. I felt that sinking feeling, one that makes you feel like letting out the deepest and saddest sigh known to man. I pushed the jealousy from my mind.
"If they're really this great you should shoot your shot, barely anyone is single these days," I encouraged him, as much as I didn't want to. He only hummed in response. I tied off the end of the thread, pulling out a roll of bandages and wrapping them around him. I neatly tucked them into each other to keep them in place before standing up. I washed his blood off my hands, giving him wet wipe for his.

I walked to the pile of clothes I'd thrown off him, throwing him his tank top before turning to walk away.
"I'll get you some painkillers-" before I could even take a step forward I felt his hand grab mine, pulling me back. He pulled me onto his lap, only flinching a little at the pain. "What are you-" I'd gone bright red, but before I could warn him about not moving too much his lips pressed against mine, his faded war paint smearing onto me. Was he talking about me earlier or is this a weird kind of thank you? I couldn't resist him, kissing him with equal passion, holding myself to him with a hand on his shoulder. He pushed me further to him, making him gasp at the pain but he only used it to deepen the kiss, pretending he hadn't just hurt himself more. As much as I was enjoying our sweet romantic connection, it worried me. I started to push him back, the bath right behind him. I pulled away from his lips as he fell into the empty bathtub, us both heavily breathing.

"Wait there," I quickly left his completely frozen state. I was flustered, more than flustered as I rummaged through my stuff, searching for any kind of pain relief. Keegan had just kissed me, and I pushed him into a bathtub. This was not how I expected my night to go. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before finding the right thing, stuffing it into my pocket before filling a glass with water. I swiftly made my way back to the bathroom, only to see he'd fallen asleep where I'd left him, a massive grin on his face. I paused for a second just to look at him. How could someone still look hot while sleeping? I leaned over, prodding his cheek. His eyes slowly opened.

"Here's a plan, alright. I'll give you some pain killers, then get you to a bed and then you go to the hospital in the morning," I offered my hand to him again, using both hands to pull him up again. He nodded, standing straight, still holding where his wound was. I passed him the water then placed a few pills in his palm. He downed them both in a matter of seconds.
"Thank you, Y/n," he placed the glass down on the counter, walking out of the bathroom with me.
"No problem really, it's much better than any dream I could've had," I blushed. He took my hand in his as I started to walk in front of him, leading him to my bedroom. He chuckled at my answer.
"So you'd like to dream about sewing my wounds up? Maybe I should get hurt more often," he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.
"Don't you dare," I glared back at him, finally getting back to my room.

I walked him to one side of the bed before letting go.
"You can take my bed, I'll go and sleep in the living room-"
"This is your house, I basically broke in," he raised an eyebrow
"Yeah, but you're you so that's fine." I turned away, only to be grabbed once again, pulled into yet another kiss. Was this just his plan to stop me from leaving? I relaxed in his arms, only to be pushed onto the bed the same way I had pushed him into the bathtub. He then walked around the other side, getting into it too.
"I should've said it a long time ago, Y/n, but I love you," he turned, looking at me.
"I love you too," I felt myself begin to smile. I never thought I'd see him again when I left my job, maybe fate brought us back together. He placed a peck on my lips before wrapping his arms around me, instantly passing out.

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