Keegan - Snow

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Me love clockwork Keegan me love soldiers in snow
It's like 5am I'll come back and edit it later so don't start judging it yet
Neutral Reader

My gloved fingers held my gun like it could run away as I tried to take in at least some heat from it. It was cold. So incredibly cold. Snow was piling up on mine and everyone else's shoulders and helmets as we waited on new information. My visor was starting to freeze in the corners, adding to the collected snow. Even with all the layers I could feel myself freezing too. I couldn't feel my fingers even if I had thick gloves on. I threw my gun to the side, standing up and jogging in circles. My legs pushed through the thick snow on the ground and I could see my breath coming through my balaclava.

"What are you doing Y/n?" Hesh looked up at me, a little amused at the circular trail I was beating into the snow as I jogged.
"What does it look like? I'm warming myself up." I huffed out, my lip quivering as I spoke. I gently hit a chest as I jogged, stopping me in my tracks. Arms wrapped around me, rubbing my back to warm me up.
"You're just going to wear yourself out," Keegan spoke softly to me, his breath warm against my skin as he placed a masked kiss to my masked cheek.
"You're back, any news?" My lips curled into a smile at his presence. He'd been radioing in to Elias for maybe twenty minutes and everyone was hoping that meant he was sorting something out. Usually Kick dealt with extraction stuff, but for some reason Elias wanted to speak to Keegan.
"Good news and bad news," he sighed.
"Do tell your partner first, we'll wait," Kick sarcastically interrupted our moment.
"Right..." Keegan pulled away from me, his warmth disappearing in an instant.

"Good news, the mission was a success and we should be leaving this hell soon. Bad news, the snows too thick for extraction, so we need to find a place to hole up for a night or two until it thins out." He informed, fidgeting with his glove.
"We can't even stay one night. We have no food or shelter" Hesh leaned back, annoyed. Are we going to die out here?
"More good news: There's going to be a supply drop in about-" he checked his watch, "half an hour to wherever I throw this flare," He takes it out of a holster, hitting it against his palm a few times, "Also Logan's back." He finishes talking, moving back to me and holding me in another warm embrace. Our helmets clash a little, his vest presses my visor to my face, but overall his warmth is welcome. How he'd stayed so warm I'll never know.

"Find anything?" Kick swivelled in his spot, fingers gripping the loose fabric at his knees in anticipation.
"Few cabins." Logan says in his usual nonchalant manner.
"You're the best brother ever" Hesh grins wide, getting up and hugging Logan - who barely hugged back.

We all walked to the cabins in a tight huddle, Keegan keeping an arm around me.
"Remind me to never accept a mission in a place like this again. Even the thought of snow angels makes me want to throw myself into a bonfire." I complained, leaning into Keegan more and more, accidentally pushing him.
"It's bad, but would you rather take on another tropical rainforest mission? I think my mask still holds some sweat in it from the last time." He chuckled.
"My paint was literally running into my eyes. Not worth keeping the ghost image in places like that." I agreed, some warmth returning to me as I thought about the constant humidity that nearly made me go insane. It was either that or the fact I couldn't go anywhere near him due to the heat.
"Where would you want the next mission to be?" He said while thinking of his own answer.
"Somewhere without sand, snow or mud that's for sure. I like the rare missions in cities, when we're hanging off skyscrapers. Nothing beats the chill of the wind and the constant fear of death when you're up there."
"Oh the ones that are mostly bomb threats, huh." He joked, I gave his arm a playful slap.
"What about you then?"
"Anywhere with you," he patted my shoulder, matching my level of playfulness
"No really, what is it you romantic" I furrowed my eyebrows at him
"Some place grassy and hilly. You can get so many great vantage points with the sniper rifle."
"You're so damn predictable. The scout sniper prefers a place with hills - no way!" I laughed at him.
"You're just being mean now-"

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