König - Enemy

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this has taken so long to write just because i kept going against my plan and i lost motivation because i had no idea what i was doing but it's done now :D
neutral reader + 2300 words, not too much romance because you just met in weird circumstances but i tried
(edit: after a second of overthinking i'd like to make it clear that i have no idea how military ranks work - i've most definitely got it wrong in here but im not going to fix it 👍)

Y/n's Pov
The chaos encircling my platoon was dangerous. The field was full of screaming, bangs and crashes, so loud that it was hard to hear any approaching dangers as we crept through the battlefield. I was always an expert at flanking, but ever since they'd made me lead a platoon i hadn't done it again - until now. We were losing, it was obvious. Bodies of people i had only just spoken to were littered everywhere like fresh cement. all we could do now was flank.

Eventually we were close, but not close enough. Something hit the ground like a grenade, gunshots on us, the sound of bullets penetrating flesh surrounding me as my platoon fell around me. and then it went off, it was a flash bang, bright lights burning my eyes, an irritating ringing silencing everything else. To add to it, one of the shots to one of my soldiers also hit me. i fell back, not a single person standing. I barely felt it, my vision returning, my hearing only slightly. i rolled, bouncing up to my feet before picking up my gun and running as fast as i could to the nearest cover. I stumbled on the last few steps, my knees giving out, but i made it. i crumpled to the floor, back against the cover.

I was losing blood fast, the red liquid soaking through my clothes from my hip, no wonder i was getting so weak. i held a hand to it firmly, palms already stained crimson. i rolled my head back at the sudden pain from touching it. i didn't have any medical supplies, not even a single thing that could help. How could i ever be this unprepared? i should finish this, before i bleed out. i can't just waste what i have left. i got up, gripping my wound, before jogging forwards.

i made it, an easier job done alone. I started to limp through empty gaps between walls of sandbags, close to collapsing. by the time i made it to a building almost like a fort i felt the blood soaked clothes clinging to my body, vest not excluded. i took a step back, readying my gun before i ran to kick the door open, only to be stopped, spun around and pressed to a wall, it was like a dance, strangely no violence used.

Someone had stopped me, and that someone was apparently death - though he wasn't how i expected him. he wore a funny mask, a little flowy. his body had been pressed against mine, but after hitting the wall he clumsily took a step back, still holding me to it. one gloved hand moved down to my wound, holding it with pressure. Was death trying to save me? my legs eventually gave out a second time, death lowering me with a hand still pressed on my hip. i was awestruck and accepted this situation far too easily. Death started to become more human, taking his fleshy hands out of his gloves and bringing out a med pack out of no where, immediately getting to work on my wound, lifting bloodied cloth from the pained area, a breeze hitting my bare stomach and hip. his hands shook. This wasn't death- as my eyes started to see clearer i noticed a lot more, including the visible fact that he was on the enemy team. i weakly slapped his hand away, only able to lean away from him.
"You're-... You're the enemy," i struggled, the pain becoming worse, reaching unbearable, my stomach heaving up and down as my breathing increased
"You're also the enemy..." he spoke with a german sounding accent, catching me off guard. The accent matched the Austrian patch he had on his arm. he ignored my rejection, carrying on with whatever he was doing. i struggled to say anything more, the pain overwhelming. As I repetitively tensed every time he touched me, the only distraction i could find was his face. why was he hiding it? and why with such a weird mask? it looked like he'd just given up trying to put a t-shirt on. i guess it was distinctive, perhaps a way of being different? it was certainly thought inducing

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