Gaz - Memories + Dreams

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words: 3800 😵
neutral reader

i will be doing the requests soon i promise they're like half written they just take me a little longer

this isn't in the 80s. this is modern day but imagine the cold war characters i put into here are still the same and not aged up to be senior citizens. this one is longer than the others because i kept on getting ideas while playing the cold war campaign :|
anyway if you're confused afterwards feel free to ask questions in the comments i know for sure i was really brief with some things because i forgot no one knows what i'm thinking

"How the hell are they a sleeper agent? I didn't even know they still did that?" Someone shouted a little, muffled by the walls that surrounded me. Everything was a blur, literally. the room swayed as i opened my eyes. As i went to move a hand up it was blocked by leather restraints - making me start to thrash around in them, the clattering of chains that held the restraints to whatever i was on alerting the people outside the room.
"She's awake." Someone spoke in a numb voice, unreadable emotion. I recognised the voice, but i wished i didn't.

Keys jingled as a lock was turned and fresh air rushed into the room. Though tiredness had made me weaker, i hadn't stopped thrashing. that was until i felt his hand on me.
"Y/n! Y/n, calm down," I froze just at his voice being at such a close proximity to me. i shook his hand off me.
"Adler- What the fuck is going on?!" i spat. Russel Adler. The man i'd spent the majority of my career with. a close friend.
"We found some information. You're a sleeper agent. It's risky... so we're going to reverse it," he put his hand back on my arm, gentle though i knew it could quickly become harsh.
"Sleeper agent? Fuck, do you really believe that? When would somebody have even had the opportunity to do that to me, Russ?" I argued. It was stupid, this was all stupid. i'd spent so long in the military, fighting beside him and many others at all times - before i joined my life was nothing, as boring as ever. When could this have happened? it's not even true. he turned away, taking a clipboard from parks. he held it clearly in front of my face - a list of sleeper agents working under a single sector. my eyes scanned the names and funnily enough, L/n Y/n was there as clear as ever. i felt myself sink a little, feeling helpless.

"Russ... that's not... it's not true!" i struggled in the restraints again. he quickly handed the clipboard back to parks and held me down in my restraints, a tight painful grip that would leave discoloured marks. Was it forged? have i been framed? i know they've been on a mission recently, did they get it from that?
"This will go easy if you just let us get to work, Y/n. There's no point in fighting it," he stared into my eyes, but when i looked back i struggled to even recognise him. he used to look at me with some emotion before- but now? now it was gone. completely gone. Why would he do this for no reason? i let my arms rest, allowing my friends to peacefully do what they needed.

After a while of their preparations and fear pooling inside of me, they were ready. Russ pulled out a large syringe, flicking the needle. I could've sworn i heard him say sorry, but i was mainly distracted as whatever he had quickly injected into me swiftly spread throughout my body and caused everything to burn, ache, tighten like a bone breaking cramp. i screamed out, my arms tensed and my fingers stretched. my whole body was wriggling around like some crazy worm. All i could think about was him. a man who had always offered me solace, a man who would save me from all this pain. Gaz. Every thought in my head had reduced itself to his name and eventually i was screaming it just for help. Then everything faded into echoes and darkness.

"They're almost good to go. we've tested their phrase and they react as they should," a woman spoke to the right of me. She wore a bright white lab coat and her blonde hair was in a tight bun. I recognised her but i struggled to remember where from.
"Then we have to send them out as soon as possible-"
"they need to heal. The state they're in- we can't send them back like this" the woman worried. i looked down, only being able to see my arms as i had a grey t-shirt on mainly covered in blood. my arms were full of bruises, scratches, big wounds with bigger stitches. I felt no pain though.
"We can't risk our location, if they're here any longer this whole facility is at risk, our progress is at risk!" the man argued. i struggled to look at him, some subconscious fear was in my way. I started to zone out a little. Where am i? Why am i here? who are these people and what are they talking about? i weakly wiggled my wrists slightly only to be blocked by restraints. i felt mostly in a daze, had they really drugged me this bad?

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