Ch 24 : Fireflies

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Liz's POV

I put on the clothes Calum brought me. I have to admit, Calum is great when it comes to fashion. I expected him to get a hoodie and shorts or something like that, but instead he got me a crop top, skinny jeans, my black converse, and my sunglasses.

"It's hot outside, you'll need the sunglasses." Calum smiled. I nodded and smiled back.

"You're amazing when it comes to fashion Cal Pal." I patted the top of his head. He smiled from ear to ear.

"C'mon! Lets all go to the beach! Star wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure! Let me just check out." Star said before rushing to the front desk.

Calum and I walked out of the hospital room and I smiled at the 3 boys waiting.

"Hey tree!" I giggled. Luke immediately smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back and went to hug Ashton.

"Sup, coco puffs." I said.

"Nothing much. Michael rambled on and on about what we should all do together." Ashton shrugged. I glanced at Michael and hugged him.

"Kitten." I smiled. He hugged me back, and honestly it felt so good to be in his arms.

"To the beach!" Calum shouted.


I put my hand out the window and giggled when the air went through my fingers. It was fun to put your hand out of the car, good thing we're like the only ones on this road.

"Turn that shit up!" Michael shouted from the back.

I leaned over and turned the radio up. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring. I love this song!

Calum and I did some sort of dance move you see drunk people do in the club. I've only been to one club in my whole life, and it was pretty good I guess.

Ashton started doing the shimmy making everyone laugh. You may be wondering who's driving, well Luke is, he's the most responsible out of all of us. Ashton was sitting in the front seat. Star and Michael were sat in the back. Calum and I were sat in the middle acting just like best friends do. I consider Calum my best friend.

"Look!" Calum shouted pointing to his phone.

I looked down to see a picture of Louis Tomlinson clubbing.

"He said he's having more fun than us! Ha! Like that's even possible!" Calum laughed before putting his phone away.

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