Ch 22 : Zack

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Liz's p.o.v.

I felt my heart rate increase as I approached the tour bus once again. It's been 2 hours since I left the tour bus for a walk, and I've been standing right here for about 30 trying to decide if I should hop back on. I almost knocked on the door, but I quickly rushed away, that was attempt number 23. Damn, you know what, screw it. I knocked on the tour bus door immediately. Maybe I could run away and they would think it was a ding dong ditch, but on a tour bus? Yeah, I'm dead.

Michael stood near the driver seat. The bus driver had fallen asleep, so Michael pushed the button to open the door. I swallowed hard on my saliva, I know it sounds disgusting, but we all do it. Don't deny it.

I walked on as quickly as I could, it was pretty cold for nearing summer. Michael gave me a stone cold stare. I glanced at him and glued my eyes to the ground in front of me.

"I was worried sick about you!" Calum shouted hugging me. I hugged him back.

"I'm only hugging you back because I'm cold, not because I like you in any way." I made myself clear.

"Sure." You could practically hear the roll of his eyes.

"Fine then." I pushed him off and grabbed my blanket.

"I didn't think you would push me off." He said.

I sighed. "Okay, I hugged you because I need someone to hug right now."

"Aw, come here." Calum said throwing one of his arms around me. He pulled me into a side hug and looked down at me.

"Don't worry okay? All of this drama will go away and you and Michael will be living in a mansion in the country." He said making me giggle.

"I can't see Michael in the country. He isn't a country boy." I said. He smiled and squeezed my sides.

"I like this Liz, she's nice to me. Luke you should kiss her more often to get Michael mad so she's upset." Calum said. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Calum. You're certainly not helping. I can easily pull my mean side out at any time." I said.

"Sorry! Please don't be mean to me!" Calum begged. I giggled and nodded.

"Okay, fine. Just this once." I said.

"I see you like him too, being all giggly and such. Two timing whore." Michael scoffed pushing past me.

I felt my eyes fill with tears immediately. I know for some people they're either used to it, or they ignore it. Now I've been bullied for like ever in school, it didn't bother me. But having your idol tell you something like that broke my heart into pieces. I felt like he ripped my heart out, ran it over, stepped on it, smashed it with a metal baseball bat, and so much more I just can't put it all down.

Dear Michael // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now