Ch 30 : Remember

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*skip ahead 3 months*

Liz's pov

I ignored Calum's crying and put on the best smile I possibly could. I don't have long, but I still should be happy for meeting my best friends.

The boys and I had gotten to their LA home, which we haven't left LA for the past 5 months. Luke rejoined the band, but the tour bus was still broken and Simon wouldn't let them get another one.

I have to go back to the hospital today. We were all currently in the car, even Tori was here. Her and Ashton got back together. Maybe I should fix things with Michael. I still love him.

"We're here." Ashton spoke quietly as he parked the car.

We all got out of the car and made our way up to the hospital. Everyone but Michael walked ahead. I stopped and waited for Michael to catch up. I walked beside him.

"Hi." I smiled. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hi." He spoke.

"Look, Michael, I'm sorry for ignoring you. I regret every second of it. Every time you were in the room I just wanted to be in your arms. I was able to forgive Tori, I think it's fair I forgive you too. Have things go back to normal." I said out hands brushing against each other.

He held my hand and looked into my eyes. "I would love to have things like before."

I smiled. He pressed his lips against mine.

"Aw!" Calum shouted making us both jump.

"Dammit Calum!" I crossed my arms and pouted.

Michael kissed my bottom lip and ran inside laughing.

"I see you two made up. Things are finally back to normal." Calum smiled with happiness.

"C'mon bro." I put my arm over his shoulder.

"So, how's my little sis?" He asked.

"Pretty good." I shrugged.

"Marshmallow!" Michael said as we got into the hospital.

"Oh my god. Only Tori can call me that." I face palmed.

"But, I'm your boyfriend, I should be able to call you nickname." Michael said. "Marshmallow."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "I guess you can."

"Liz. Hey, I already have your favorite room." Star walked up to me.

"Thanks, but uh, by any chance can they be with me." I asked pointing to the boys and Tori.

She gave me a confused look.

"They're everything I have left." I smiled back and then faced Star.

She nodded. "C'mon, all of you."

We all walked a bit through the hospital's halls. Star opened up one of the doors and we all walked in. I sat on the bed and Michael sat next to me.

"Lets just have fun right now." Luke said. "Be happy."

"Remember when we made a cake and failed? Failed horribly." I giggled.

"Oh yeah! Michael had white hair for like three days." Ashton laughed.

Michael's pov

"Remember when we went around the park and took pictures with your Polaroid?" I asked.

"Yeah, that was one of the best days of my life." Liz smiled.

"I stole one of the pictures," I rummaged through my pocket and pulled out a Polaroid picture. "This one. It's my favorite. The way your hair is shining and your eyes turn into a hazel kind of color. You were happy. That smile is priceless."

"I love you Michael." She said resting her head on my shoulder. "I wish I could relive that day."

"I wish I could too." I smiled.


We all spent the past hour talking about our memories together. Liz was only with us for like 5 months. It was the best 5 months of my life. Even if she did hate me for 3 of them, I still loved them. Just being able to look at her was the biggest thing for me.

"I love you guys." Luke said. "I know I was kind of a jerk on the whole girlfriend thing, but I was only like that because I was jealous. I could never get a girlfriend myself and you guys were all I had. I didn't want some girl to take away my best friends."

"We would never push you away and I know you will find someone Luke. You're an amazing person. You have amazing hair and you smell really good." Liz said. I gave her a weird look.

"Oh come on! He smells like Twizzlers!" Liz giggled.

"True." I agreed.

Calum leaned over and sniffed Luke.

"He does." Calum nodded.

"Let me smell!" Ashton shouted. He sniffed Luke as well. Tori did too.

"He does!" Tori and Ashton spoke at the same time, making them giggle.

Dear Michael // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now