"Sooooo Zirus when do I have to get ready for Paris" asks Arkalia
"Mr Agreste has already Paid for the Tickets First Class and paid for The Hotel Room You'll be given the very Best Hotel Room in the Very Best Hotel in Paris France" say's Zirus
Arkalia Smiles
"That's Great but what's the Catch" say's Arkalia
"We'll have to be at the Airport Tomorrow Morning to leave New York for Paris" say's Zirus
"Seriously Tomorrow oh great I gotta get out of the Bath and Pack Everything" say's Arkalia
"Will You ever stop being an Assassin Arkalia" asks Zirus
"I don't know Z all I know is that The Forsaken One's must be Stopped for Good Their time of Kidnapping Children from Orphanages and taking Homeless Children and forcing Them to Fight to the Death for Their Sick Amusement and turning Them into Heartless Monstrous Bloodthirsty Soldier's must End I will not allow Anymore Children go through what I have had to go through" say's Arkalia
"Hey Since Paris is the City of Love and Light's do You think You'll get Laid because I think You'll need to get Laid and Fast hopefully by some Hot Sexy Boy with a Great Ass and Dick" say's Zirus
"At least I can get Laid unlike You" say's Arkalia
"Fuck You Arkalia" say's Zirus
"No thanks" say's Arkalia
"Do You think You'll be a Top or a Bottom" asks Zirus
"Depends on 2 things" say's Arkalia
"Which are" asks Zirus
"1: How I feel and 2: How Sexy the Boy is" say's Arkalia
"What about this Cat Noir" asks Zirus
"Both defiantly Both" say's Arkalia
"REALLY" asks Zirus
"Yeah I mean come on look at Him A Sexy Boy in a Sexy Tight Leather Cat Suit" say's Arkalia
"Good Point" say's Zirus
Once Arkalia finished His Bath He quickly gotten dressed and started packing His Thing's
"To be Honest I'm glad We'll be leaving New York and heading to Paris the Hero's Suck and the Police are Useless Punk's" say's Arkalia
"I agree especially Jade Tiger He did not take You breaking up with Him well" say's Zirus
"He was such a Whinny Jealous Annoying Mama's Boy" say's Arkalia
"I know how much You hate Those Type's They're a Pain" say's Zirus
"What's this Adrien like again" asks Arkalia
"A Blonde Hair Green Eyed Intelligent Model" say's Zirus
"Gay, Straight or Bisexual" asks Arkalia"He's probably so far in the Closet He could be in Narnia with King Aslan" say's Zirus
"I knew I shouldn't let You watch The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe because You Love that Joke" say's Arkalia
"I know I know it's all Your Fault" say's Zirus
"Whatever" say's Arkalia
Arkalia put His Alarm's on His Phone on and made sure He placed all of His Bag's by the Door so He wouldn't forget it when He wakes up in the Morning
~~~The Next Day~~~
Arkalia woke up to loud Knocking on the Door
"WHAT IN THE FUCK" yelled Arkalia
Arkalia ran to the Door and saw a Gorilla looking Man at the Door
"Ummmm Can I Help You" asks Arkalia
He grunted and took Arkalia's Bag's and began walking off
"Oh Hell No" say's Arkalia
Arkalia ran and jumped on the Person hitting Him
Arkalia jumped off Him
"What in the Hell is happening" asks Arkalia
"I'm Natalie I'm the Assistant to Mr Agreste and He wanted Me and My Associate here to take You to the Airport and stay by Your Side and take You straight to the Agreste Mansion" say's Natalie
"OK" say's Arkalia
"Any question's You may wanna ask" asks Natalie
"Is His Name really Gorilla" asks Arkalia
"No but We don't know His Name and He kinda look's and act's like a Gorilla especially His Grunt's and Growl's" say's Natalie
Arkalia nods
"I understand" say's Arkalia
Gorilla rolled His Eye's and He and Natalie led Arkalia to the a Limo and drove all the way to the Airport
"I'm not fond of Plane's They can easily fall out of the Sky and Crash" say's Arkalia
"Don't worry We'll be Safe" say's Natalie
"If anything happens to the Plane You'll be Who I blame" say's Arkalia
"Fair enough" say's Arkalia
"So You're a Teenage Photographer huh" say's Natalie
"I just got a Good Eye" say's Arkalia
"You must have" say's Natalie
"So what's Mr Agreste like" asks Arkalia
"He's a Great Man of Business, A Great Fashion Designer and He's always Serious and will never ruin His Agreste Brand" say's Natalie
"Hmmm OK" say's Arkalia not knowing what to think
Soon We have arrived at the Airport tight next to the Plane and Arkalia got out of the Plane and went inside and walked to the Window seat
"Is this Mr Agreste's Private Jet" asks Arkalia
"Yes it is indeed" say's Natalie
"OK Cool" say's Arkalia
Arkalia put on His Headphones and started watching His Show's wanting to pass time
Crimson Avenger and Cat Noir an Assassin's Love Story
Hayran KurguA New Miraculous User comes to Paris and He hold's a Deadly Secret He's Secretly an Assassin Who's Only Goal is to Find and Eliminate Those Who had helped Create Him but what He didn't expect was falling in love with The Sinful Cat Noir and Innocent...