Chapter 31

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You crashed into yo fuckin house Nigga! Q yelled getting in my face.

Okay I'll get that Shìt fixed fuck is you yellin for muthafucka!

Cause nigga what the fuck is you doing? Ight I get it you fucked up in the head right now. Ight smokin cool that's regular shit but now you doin lines you acting like a fuckin bum nigga and I'm saying this shit to you cause I fuckin love you! You my fuckin brother!

I know what the fuck I'm doing I don't need no fuckin baby sitter.

Obviously you do nigga! How the fuck you lose 20 stacks? And crashed into your fuckin house not to mention how yo own fuckin fiancé thought you was about to rape her!

I wasn't gone rape that bitch! I kissed my teeth and stood up. She ain't wanna fuck cause I was drunk big fuckin deal.

Get yo shit together brah! No more drinking nun that!

Let me handle my shit how I handle my Shìt!

And watch you turn into a fuckin Monster! Don't live up to yo fuckin name! We both know your well over capable of doing so but not like this or this reason. We worked so hard to get you here don't turn back now!

Man whatever! I got up from the couch and pushed past him as a knock on the front door made me stop to leave. I opened it and some white man in a suit was there.

Ja'Kari Stevenson?

Who wanna know?

Here you are, you been served! He handed me a letter and i was confused.

What's that? Q asked coming over to me. I opened the letter and it was a supena to show up to
Court in a month because Queen was petitioning me for a DNA test and child support. "You really need to get yo Shìt together Nigga!"

I hate when a muthafucka try to tell me what to do or how to handle Shìt. Leaving me the fuck alone was the best way for all of us. I kissed my teeth and left the house slamming my door behind me.

I got in my car and pulled off. I just need to clear my fuckin head.

I stopped in Dennys to grab something to eat. I ain't ate in days. Just high and drunk. Feel like only way I can cope with anything right now.

Daddyyyyyyyyyy! I heard a lil girls voice. I looked up and Azaria was running from around the corner. Her face lit up. I haven't seen the kids or talked to them in weeks.

Azaria get back here! I heard Queens voice yell. "AZARIA!" She yelled mad once she seen me. Baby girl jumped right in my arms and smiled so hard that she bursted into tears. I embraced her and hugged her back. "I thought I was never gonna see you again!" She cried.

You can see me whenever you want to you know that!

Why haven't I seen you or you come to get us or answer the phone?

I wiped her tears. "Uhh because baby my phone is broke and uhhh I'm just trying to work through some things."

Does it have to do with because you hit mommy?

What? (I looked at Queen and she was just as shocked as me.)

I seen you put your hands around her neck and mommy had to go to the hospital....

Okay that's enough Azaria go to the bathroom.! Queen yelled at her taking her from my arms. She put her on the ground and grabbed her hand. Queen had the meanest mug towards me. She hate me just like I hate her!

I ordered my food and sat at the counter to wait for it. Zarie ran out the bathroom and came and sat next to me.

Are you going to come get us this weekend? She asked concerned.

Umm not this weekend....

Are you starting a new family with Kelly? That's why you don't want us around anymore?

No, no it's not like that!

I feel like it is...You always do what Kelly says.! She said so sadly as my phone started ringing and it was Kelly. "See she's calling now... i know your starting a new family and you don't want us to be your kids anymore..!"

Azaria who told you that?

Nobody, that just your actions! You don't answer the phone or come get us or anything.

I just told you that my phone broke....

Dads always find away to talk to their kids. I'm not mad at you but you hurt my feelings and I kinda never want to see you again! She said sad almost in tears. My heart was crushed even more.

Azaria let's go! Queen yelled as she came out the bathroom. Zarie jumped up and ran to her mother. She helped her with her coat and Zarie little eyes watered.! They started to walk out the restaurant and Queen turned back around. "Don't say Shìt else to my kids until you get your DNA test! They'll see you in court!"

I got up and left the restaurant I didn't even want my food. Seeing Zarie cry and hearing what she was saying broke me. My baby really thought I didn't love her! I let my tears roll down my face as I sat pissed off

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