Chapter 36

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GoodMorning! My lawyer Andrea smiled as she met me.

Hey! GoodMorning! I smiled today was the day! Even though I already knew the outcome of all this I still couldn't wait to get it over with.

Shall we?

We shall! I walked in the court room after her and took a seat. Shortly after Monster and his lawyer came in. He had a look on his face as if he was gonna be sick.

In the case of Mrs. Stevenson petitioning Mr. Stevenson for child support and DNA testing. The judge called. I stood up and stood next to my lawyer.

Mr. Stevenson I'm reviewing this case and as a man I am disappointed in you. You signed these two children birth certificates by law wether they are your biological children or not you are still legally responsible for them because YOU signed the birth certificates! The judge said side eyeing him. I was trying not to smile to hard cause he was absolutely right.

Your honor may I just say that my client didn't have any reasonable doubt about the children being his. He was presented with a previous case where he learned that the test came back 0 possibilities that the children are his.

Under what orders councilor?

Like I said my client had reasonable expectations...

Your honor sorry to interrupt but Mr. Stevenson fiancé tested the children's DNA without Mr. or Mrs. Stevenson consent, for all we know it could of been a fake and tempered with.

Well I guess that's why we are here today to find out! He grabbed the envelope and opened it. "In the case of 6 year old Amaris Stevenson Ja'Kari Stevenson you are the father!" Monster started to tear up he couldn't even look straight. The judge grabbed the second envelope and opened it. "In the case of 5 year old Azaria Stevenson, Ja'Kari Stevenson you are the father!" I could literally see Monster break down inside and I smiled from ear to ear.

Thank you judge. We have petition the court for the fetus as well that Mrs. Stevenson is currently pregnant with are those results back? Monster looked up so quick confused I laughed.

Uhh yes I have those as well. The lady handed him another envelope and he opened it. "In the case of the 29 week fetus there is a 99.99% of relatable likeness in DNA. Mr. Stevenson you are the father to the unborn child." "Now that, that is settled These two went through a recent divorce it mentioned." Both of our lawyers looked at each other like they was scared. "It was mentioned that Mr. Stevenson was willing to pay over a Billion Dollars a year?"

Uhh yes your honor. His lawyer said biting his lip. Andrea looked like she was confused. I didn't like the way neither of them was looking.

Mrs. Stevenson you declined the child support payment why is it now that you want it?

Your honor, I didn't make these kids myself and he is a wonderful father but these allegations towards me and my children have been horrendous and it has cause a lot of trauma on me and most importantly my children. My daughter cries herself to sleep every night because she thinks her father doesn't love her. I refuse to have a man like that coming in an out of my children life.... I rather him contribute financially than be around physically because a inconsistent father is way worse than a absent father.

I really hate to say this but you are absolutely right. Mr. Stevenson from reading this report that not only did Mrs Stevenson submitted but one from your lawyer as well on your behalf. I understand your lack of clarity about everything but once you signed the children birth certificates you became their parent wether you were or weren't their biological father and by law and with the certainty of these factual test results I will be granting Mrs. Stevenson child support in order to Austin, Amaris, Azaria, and the unborn fetus. Here I have a planner with each child expenses from school, child care, and all around basic necessities. What Mrs. Stevenson is asking for us for you to only pay the children's school tuition. Me personally I feel like that's not enough and you should indeed pay more. But however that's all she's asking for Mr. Stevenson you are order to pay $35,000 a year for each child which is a total of $105,000 a year to the children school until they are finished in college. You are also ordered to pay $1,500 a month to Mrs. Stevenson for future child care for the unborn fetus! Do you understand?

Yes your honor!

Councilor have your client sign these paper. Case dismissed! He banged his gravel and got up from his chair.

Congratulations! Andrea smiled at me.

I just wanna bring peace for my children. I smiled as I grabbed my purse to leave the court room. It hurts that we have to do things this way but it was very much needed. Now that he knows the truth that he's always known all along I hope it eats his ass alive!

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