Chapter 58

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What they saying? I asked T as he came into the lobby.

Well first off he's being charged with a domestic violence assault charge he had a warrant for his arrest which is why he was stopped in the first place. There are pictures of Kelly in the hospital and a report made in Mexico that he beat her bad. Secondly he was charged with assaulting a police officer, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with deadly force, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and danger of the wellbeing of minors, 3 of those charges.

What the fuck! This is too fuckin much T. And that fuckin officer started it.

Yeah well you can't hit a fuckin officer. Their setting his bail at 10 Million dollars.

10 million dollars?! What that's insane.

Yeah it is it was 20 I got them to lower it to 10. He got that kinda money put up?

I don't know... I have it!


Here! I digged in my purse and grabbed my wallet I wrote a check for 10 million dollars. "Please get him out!"

He's lucky to have you. I'll be back.

I nodded my head and sat down. My nerves was so bad I was shaking. I'm so glad they didn't take the money for the house or school yet. I called my bank to warn them that I wrote a check for 10 million and they could authorize it once it comes through.

I sat in the lobby of the courts for what seemed like hours. I had to have Yonna get the kids from school because I was still here. I was extremely exhausted and drained. At this point I was just bad luck. I was stuck on all these charges he has now. I can not raise 4 kids by myself if he goes to jail. I was so stressed out. I started to pace the floor. It was going on 5pm and he still wasn't released.

I just feel like I've been causing my kids too much trauma these past few weeks. With all this shit going on now today! They had guns drawn at them. They seen their father get beat up by police officers. My world was literally a shit show right now.

I looked up at the door and seen T coming through. Monster was behind him moments later. I felt relieved once we made eye contact. He had that soulless look in his eyes. They was black and cold.

Let's go! He said demanding as he walked past me and out the door. He had a cut on the right side of his forehead, a black eye, and busted lip. I know he was beyond pissed.

Take care of him make sure he don't do nun crazy! T said behind me as we walked out the building. I unlocked the car doors and got in on the driver side. I started the car to pull off but he was so mad.

Ima fuckin kill them niggas!

No you can't!

Fuck you mean?! Do you not see what the fuck they did to me? To my fuckin kids! Had my kids scared as hell!

Yeah Monster i know but they're kill them you going to jail! These people would be expecting you to do something like that.

I don't give a fuck, fuck them!

Think about our children if you go to jail. Look I know your mad and upset right now but just chill and calm down.

Chill and calm down what? Is you fuckin stupid? These muthafuckas beat my ass twice and pulled guns out on you and my fuckin kids like they was gone shoot y'all ain't no fuckin calm down. Than this bitch saying I beat her! Ima kill everybody!

Well did you...

I ain't never touch that bitch a day in my fuckin life but I get you don't believe me cause I put my hands on you huh?! Man pull over let me the fuck out.

Umm no!

PULL THE FUCK OVER NOW QUEEN! He yelled so angrily. I jumped because he scared me. I pulled the car over slowly. He got out before I could even come to a complete stop. I turned the car off and got out behind him locking the doors.

I'm not gonna let you be alone! I said walking after him.

What the fuck don't you fuckin get huh? You dumb ass bitch! Is you stupid? I got out the fuckin car to get away from yo dumb ass and you gone follow me. I don't wanna fuckin be with you, it's over forever! I fuckin hate you and if you wasn't my children mother I would of been left to ass! He yelled at me turning to face me. His words hit me so hard they made me tear up.

Your only saying that cause your mad right now!

No I'm saying it cause I fuckin mean it! He turned back around and left me standing there. I felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest. My tears blurred my vision and I walked back down the road until I got into the car. I cried so hard I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was having an asthma attack.

I never felt this pain before...

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