Chapter 53

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I woke up to so many monitors beeping and my vision blurred. I was in the hospital. I reached down to feel my stomach and it still was a bump. I looked over and seen two monitors and heard a heart beat.

Your woke?! A lady voice said asked softly. "I just came in to check your vitals you was giving us a scare!"

A scare is my baby okay?

Yes the baby is was going into labor. We was able to stop the labor and the doctor sewed your cervix up so that little fighter can still continue to fight. Your blood pressure is pretty high. We gave you some pain meds and meds to keep your blood pressure down. Here's your call light if you need anything.

Thank you! I was relieved that my baby was okay. I started crying my eyes out as I heard the heart beat. Everything was just happening at once.

You have a visitor! A nurse said knocking on the door. She opened it all the way and Yonna came in. I sat up a bit and she hugged me tight and I broke down crying to her.

It's gonna be okay, everything is gonna be okay! She sang hugging me.

No it's not! I want Monster!

Are you sure?

Yes I'm sure, I want him and I want him now!

Look me and Kay'Sean has been trying to get into contact with him and no one still hasn't seen or heard from him anywhere.

I need to get out of here and find him.

No you need to lay down and rest. For right now. Your babies need you and your doctor said your going to be on bed rest when you leave here.

I can't be on bed rest Yonna my school my house. My kids don't have anywhere to live now! I bursted into tears again. I was overwhelmed and all I wanted was Monster to tell me everything was going to be okay. I just wanted to feel his arms around me.

It's gonna be okay! Yonna sang rubbing my back.

I felt defeated. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why all this was happening. The shooting, the school, the house, my baby! Everything is just going to hell! I was angry to say the least.

Hey Mrs. Stevenson the police are here and they would like to talk to you! A nurse said unease coming in. She was followed in by two other officers.

Hello Mrs. Stevenson! I'm officer Riley and this is my partner officer Sam. We just have a few questions.


Where were you the night of the incident that your school was broken into?

What? I was home with my kids!

Do you have anyone to confirm that?

Yeah I can we live in the back of her!

So you where present the morning of the shooting?

No I was at work!

What does this have to do with anything? I asked confused sitting up.

We have to take every protocol....your husband Mr. Stevenson had he been in contact with you?

No, we are divorced!

Is there any reason he would want to harm you or your children?

No! He loves me and our children he would never ever do anything to hurt us.

Well we have reasons to believe that he does.

Well whatever you have is bullshit! I'm done I'm done talking to y'all! Get out! I demanded. The officer closed his notepad and nodded his head. "If you get in contact with him, let him know there is a warrant for his arrest....domestic abuse and his wife is pressing charges!" The officer said and than walked out.

He would never, ever, do that to anyone! I have to find him!

Can you believe them?

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