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I wonder who thought of grounding.

Like what was there point of the whole thing?

Was we supposed to learn from it?

What can we learn from being caged inside the house?

Groundings are stupid and childish.

If parents can't handle talking to us like adults they choose the alternative and ground us.

Grounding. Ha it sounds like groundhogs.

Being punished period doesn't effect me in any way shape or form.

When you're going to get grounded you can see it coming.

That look in their eyes and when they don't call you by your nickname bit your first name.

The last time I've been grounded was last week for not cleaning the Kitchen.

Yeah I got grounded for something as simple as that.

My dad never grounds me.

My moms the one. Figures.

My brother has got grounded for not taking out the trash.

Doesn't that just urk you.

What's the stupidest thing you ever got grounded for?

Check out my new book: 100 Things That Got Me Grounddd

The whole concept of

'grounding' children is

utterly stupid - they just

go off and rebel and

don't like you. When my

kids eventually come

along, I don't want them

to not like me.

Kate Winslet

Next Chapter: The Four Letter Word DATE

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