Healthy Eating

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Stupid parents telling me I can't eat snacks throughout the day!

But it's very necessary for teens to snack throughout the day according to me and trust me I'm always right.

Parents of any kind reading this it's

vital to always have snacks provided for the kids safely tucked away from others in the house hold that aren't kids!

Most teens in this century would freak out if there wasn't any pop-tarts, nutella, or even Oreos in the house.

Unless you want an unnecessary outburst of emotions thrown out you on a weekday or weekend snacks should be surely stocked.

Now down to the hard stuff: Healthy Stuff.

Just saying the word 'Healthy' makes me gag!

But it's vital to eat healthy! (sometimes)

I say sometimes because of the days were pizza is just calling your name like a siren at sea.

Yeah I just drooled a little.

But yeah like I was saying POP-TARTS RULE!



HAHA I love this chapter!

I don't stop eating when I'm full. The meal isn't over when I'm full. It's over when I hate myself. - Louis C K

Next Chapter: Hormones

Peace :*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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