Ch.1 The Best Day Ever

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Brisa Pov

Inside Beacon Academy's cafeteria, me, Josh, and Team RWBY are sitting together as Blake looks over some notes. I'm peacefully eating my snacks as Josh, works with his guitar slightly tuning it while Cyra and Raiden were seating beside Team JNPR.

Josh: "Why does this thing not sound right?!"

Josh shook his head furiously and disapprovingly at the same time, glaring at the guitar.

Yang: "Whatcha up to Josh?"

Yang stood behind him, starting to gaze at Josh's guitar with a curious look on her face. Josh looked back at the guitar while explaining.

Josh: "Nothing much! I'm just tuning my guitar."

Yang: "Cool and nice guitar."

To his surprise, Yang complimented him and his guitar. Josh just smiled and continued working on the guitar. Yang then slides next to Blake...

Yang: "Whatcha doing?"

Blake: "Nothing." (Closing her book.) "Just going over notes from last semester."

Yang, out of nowhere, suddenly catches a grape in her mouth.

Yang: "Lame."

Raiden giggles as he continues to toss grapes at Yang with his wing as Nora passes him the said fruits. Raiden launches another and Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Raiden the thumbs up. It's been months ever since the trouble at the docks, and the Dust Robberies that were usually happening in Vale have seemed to calm down a bit. Just then Ruby walk in, giving an enormous heave as she slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard, and for my snacks to leap a foot off the table before landing back on my head.

Brisa: "Yo! I'm eating here!"

Ruby: "I-I'm sorry, Brisa!"

I took the snack off my head and then pull a new one from out of my pocket.

Brisa: "Josh, eat your cheesecake."

Josh, not touching his favourite desert replies...

Josh: "I'll eat it later. Besides, I wanna finish tuning this."

Brisa: "If you say so..... What's that anyway, Ruby?"

I peered over the table, and on the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities", has been written underneath. Clearing her throat, Ruby gestures to everyone at the table.

Ruby: "Sisters... friends... Weiss.

Weiss: "Hey!"

Raiden: (Talking fluently) "Ouch burn!~"

He yelled teasingly as he giggled after.

Ruby: "Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream."

Yang: "This ought to be good."

She then catches another berry from across their table that Raiden threw in her mouth, and Yang nodded in approval in her tasting.

Ruby: "A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!"

Weiss: "Did you steal my binder?"

Ruby: "I am not a crook."

Blake: "What are you talking about?"

Ruby: "I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!"

She points her finger at Blake.

Yang: "I always kick my semesters off with a Yang!"

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