Ch.11 No Brakes

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3rd Pov

After being captured by the White Fang, Ruby is kept under Roman's custody, who begins interrogating her while taking advantage of her inability to retaliate by sadistically taunting her. To present, the interrogation continues with Ruby being thrown across the floor by Roman.

Roman: "Wow! You are much more manageable without your friends and that over-sized gardening tool of yours."

Ruby gets up and charges at Roman, which he simply sidesteps, sending Ruby stumbling across the floor.

Roman: "Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need this."

Perry raises his thumb in agreement as Roman laughs. He then walks over to Ruby and aims his cane underneath her chin.

Roman: "But seriously. How'd you find this place, Red?"

Ruby growls and uses her Semblance to escape Roman and starts running for an exit.

Roman: "Whoa!"

Smiling, Roman stands up, spins the cane in his hands, and aims the handle at Ruby. He fires the handle, which doubles as a grappling hook, at Ruby, catching her by her hood and allowing Roman to pull her back.

Roman: "I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet."


Josh's Pov

White Fang Member: "Push them back! Don't let them get through the tunnels!"

Brisa: "And the surprises just keep coming."

Josh: "Cap! Left Flank!"

Brisa rushed towards the soldiers, where I told her where they are, and just swept them aside as I conjure up a strong gust of electricity with one wave of my axe. Another group comes out from the right, but you did the same thing to them. Oobleck and the others were following up behind, with Brisa, Cyra, and Raiden sprinting/flying right beside me, finishing off the opponents I haven't knocked down yet.

Josh: "How are we gonna find Ruby here?!"

Raiden: "Just keep following them! The more the enemy, the more the likely place they could be keeping Ruby."

Another group of White Fang Members charged at us while we were sprinting, and Raiden activated his semblance as dashed forward, dispatched them with ease, and I continued to run. Up ahead, Raiden and I saw at least three dozens of White Fang Members blocking the path, their weapons raised against us. I halted in my tracks, but Raiden kept charging on with a scowl on his face.

Raiden: (Growls) "Out of the way, you fools!"

Brisa: "Raiden, wait!"

Raiden shocked electricity at all of them, which electrocuted at least five of them. Just as they opened fire at him, he swiftly flew up above their heads, before flapping his wings which created an electrical pulse into the centre of the group, creating a large shockwave, which knocked them all out and clear the path. He then continued flying and shocking through the caves recklessly, much to the other's worry.

Yang: "Raiden! What are you doing?!"

Oobleck: "Charging the enemy head-on isn't wise!"

He halted his tracks and looked back to see that the rest of the team, Oobleck, Brisa, Cyra and I had gone into cover, much to his confusion before he held up a fierce expression where his eyes and mask glowed.

Raiden: "Watch me."

Raiden looked back in front of him only to be confronted with a battalion of White Fang Soldiers aiming their guns at him. Only then did he fully realise why the team was on the cover.

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