Ch.12 Breach

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3rd Pov

Meanwhile back in Beacon, Team JNPR walks out of the school entrance at dawn towards their Bullhead, while Jaune was trying to worry over the fact that Ruby called on him out of nowhere that night.

Pyrrha: "I'm sure they're fine."

Jaune: "You think?"

Nora: "Probably a butt dial..."

Ren: "Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission."

Pyrrha: "He's right. And with Team LADR as their protectors, they should be totally fine, considering those guys always look out for each other"

Nora: "We're gonna be deputies!"

Jaune: "I just got this feeling... I don't know."

Pyrrha: "Jaune..."

Then suddenly, alarms ring out in the distance. They all turned towards to see the city up in smoke.

Jaune: "We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!"

As the team heads toward their Bullhead, Jaune does a headcount.

Jaune: "Ren. We'll make it to that village another time. Take us into the city!"


Brisa: "Keep your pressure on that wound, Raiden! Just hang on!"

Brisa was supporting Raiden as she kept him steady as Raiden was too big to get off the debris and onto higher ground, his wing hardly pressed down to his wounded abdomen. Yang, Josh, Blake and Weiss kept their best to clear the Grimm out of the way, with Ruby and Cyra staying at Brisa and Raiden's side while fending off the Grimm as well.

Raiden: "E-Easy.... for you.... to sa– Argh!"

With a pained groan, Raiden couldn't stay in his normal size but it was difficult for him to change back as the reinforcing bar was big and it would affect his body. Brisa had cut of the part of the reinforcing bar that was underneath Raiden as it was buried underneath the rubbles almost making it impossible to remove. Just then, a beowolf emerges and pounces over me, but Blake makes the quick job for it.

Blake: "S-Stay back!"

Brisa: "Weiss! Right!"

Weiss quickly turned in that direction and stabbed a Beowolf before it could attack her, killing it. Brisa threw her weapon near the middle of the courtyard while she tried dragging and supporting Raiden. After a few minutes of struggle, they all found themselves in the middle of the collapsed courtyard.

Brisa gently dragged Raiden placed in while she looked for a makeshift bandage. With nothing nearby she started healing his wound with purify which was slightly helping, even though it took a toll on Brisa's body.

Brisa: "Can you still fight?"

Raiden: "I-I'm.... sorry, Bri. I can't exactly.... fly around wildly..... with this wound now, can I? I'll just use my electricity to at least provide some firing support."

Brisa looked down in downcast as her ears flatten against her head, before she nodded in understanding, and began standing up, but before she even could, Raiden suddenly called her, making her crouch down before him.

Raiden: "Here."

He shares some electricity with Brisa so her Semblance is stronger. She shook her head.

Brisa: "No... Raiden, I can't—you'll die without enough electricity."

Raiden: "I won't be to have a good shot in this condition, Bri. Just use it like the times in the lab. Besides, I got Cyra watching out for my back."

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