Ch.10 Mountain Glenn

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Brisa's Pov

The full moon is shining over the ruined buildings of Mountain Glenn, and a lone Beowolf is searching through the rubble. It looks up briefly at the young girl who has it in her red crosshair scope, but Ruby Rose just lowers Crescent Rose and sighs in tiredness as she keeps a lookout over the destruction.

Me, Josh, Cyra, and the rest of her team were still lying down on our sleeping mats around the fire with our weapons nearby, and Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck is higher up, slumped down against the wall next to the hole in the ceiling/floor. Cyra was still sleeping peacefully, with her cat now found sleeping on top of her stomach.

Me, on the other hand, was uncomfortably shifting on my mat, sweating cold bullets, as if I was having a nightmare. Which I actually am. Inside my dream, I was in a dark abyss, a woman's voice kept repeating my name too many times until it came to the point I can't take it anymore, add the fact my left hand was a really bad shocking pain as well. Then suddenly, I sat up from my mat, breathing heavily, but not noisily enough to disturb the others. I looked around myself to find I'm still with my team, and I gasped for air then sighed in relief.

Brisa: (In head) "A n-nightmare? Huh, well that's a fir-- Ah!!!"

My left hand suddenly burned in shocking pain again. I looked over my gloved hand and was surprised to see it glowing eerily underneath the fabric of my glove. Deciding not to spook Ruby, who is still keeping a lookout over the demolished buildings, I silently transformed my body into my g̴̖̓ļ̶͗i̵̟͂t̵͚̓c̵̛͔h̵͚͑  form and teleported up all the way to the top of the building inconspicuously.

When I finally reached the top, I reverted back to my original form. The pain in my hand became too painful to bear, making me rip the glove left off of my hand, and tried letting out my Semblance out of it in frustration. Just then, I was incredibly shocked when a lightning strike was projected out from my palm skyward I was able to summon an electric demonic-looking wolf that looked like the marking on my hand.

Brisa: "Whoa!"

The glow was faint, but I felt incredible power within the strike. Zaps and shocks of lightning were gathering up at the base of my hand. I just hoped no Grimm would come over to check it out. After a minute or two, I closed my palm to stop the beam, gathered up all the power within it, and slammed my fist down, creating a small circular shockwave around the roof.

Howling was then from the distance and I quickly realized that I was supposed to be in bed and not testing out a new ability. Meanwhile, Josh, Cyra and the three members of RWBY have their eyes closed, but Yang Xiao Long is the first to stop pretending.

Yang: "Blake, are you awake?"

Blake: "Yeah."

Josh had just pretended to be asleep as he listened to their conversation.

Yang: "Why do you think he asked us about being a Huntress? Like, what was he trying to say?"

Blake: "Maybe he was just curious."

Yang: "You think?"

Blake: "No."

Yang: "Weiss, are you awake?"

As Yang asks this, Weiss snaps at her, making her cringe up a bit.

Weiss: "Of course I'm awake! You two are talking. And I think he... When I said I wanted to honour my family's name, I meant it. But, it's not what you think. I'm not stupid. I'm fully aware of what my father has done with the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control, our business has operated in a... moral gray area."

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