Ch.3 A Minor Hiccup

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Brisa's Pov

I tapped my fingers on the table quite impatiently as I waited for Professor Port's lesson to end as told one of his stories yet again and I've completely lost interest in it, surprisingly. I turned to look over at my teammates only to find them dozing off.

Brisa: "Josh! Will you stop falling asleep? Professor Port's gonna give you a detention."

I yelled in a hushed tone as I shook the black-haired boy sitting right next to me, trying to wake him up. He lifted his head up from his arms, his eyes still half-closed from drowsiness.

Josh: "Ugh..... I can't help it, Bri. It's just... I mean, come on. We haven't had a decent rest last night. Look at Cyra! Even Raiden!"

I gave my other teammates another look before sighing in disappointment as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Brisa: "What am I gonna do with you guys?"

I took a glance at my watch to find out that there was now one minute left of the lesson. Lifting my head from my watch I see Jaune slide over to where was is sitting Weiss. I smirked.

Brisa: "This should be interesting....."

I can't actually see the reason why he would fall for her, but to be honest with myself, I wouldn't feel too bad if she finally said yes to one of his pick-up lines. It's evident to everyone except Weiss, that Jaune is head-over-heels for her; and it's actually quite nearly sad how she completely and intentionally ignores him.

Jaune: "So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?"

He turns to the teacher for a second, before then turning back around again.

Jaune: "And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome."

He pauses momentarily as his words still have no effect.

Jaune: "Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know."

I know how much attention Weiss was going to give him, and yet I thought it was a good attempt. He was trying to propose a date and offered an activity regarding his intellect. Just then the bell that always signifies the end of a class rang, interrupting Professor Port in his story/lesson. When my team heard the bell ring, they literally shot up from their seats.

Port: "And then I- Oh. Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!"

Jaune: "Weiss? Uh... Did you hear me?"

Weiss: (Not even looking at Jaune as she walks away.)" No, no, no, yes."

Brisa: (In head) "Damn that was ice cold!"

Upon hearing this, Jaune groans and does a face-plant into his desk. As me, my whole team, and the rest of Team RWBY walks out of class behind him, Yang ruffles Jaune's hair without even looking. While I patted him sympathetically on the shoulder.

Yang: "One day."

Brisa: "Yeah."

With that, we all exited the class with team Rwby and headed to their dorm room to get ready. On the way, the sound of a Scroll ringing is then heard amongst yourselves. We all turned towards each other to talk about a plan however seems like not everybody did it.

Josh: "Sorry guys I needed to get back to practising my guitar and make sure it's recharged. Also, I promised to show Raiden me playing."

Brisa: "So, does that mean... you're not going to help us...?"

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