Ch.5 Extracurricular

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3rd Pov

The scene opens with Pyrrha gearing up in a locker room. As she walks out of the locker room, we cut her sparring with Cardin Winchester and back again. Eventually, the fight scene includes the other members of Team CRDL.

(I can't write some fight scenes they're hard to describe so I'll describe mainly my character's scenes but I will write the ones I can.)

Glynda approaches from behind Cardin who clutches his ribs

Glynda: "And that's the match"

Cardin: "Lucky shot." (Collapse)

Glynda: "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament. "

Pyrrha: "Thank you, professor."

Glynda: (Tapping her scroll) "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match." (Glynda looks around at the observing student) "Any volunteers? Ms Belladonna?"

They all turned towards the raven-haired girl, who slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda.

Glynda: "You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-"

???: "I'll do it."

They turned towards the voice near them and saw a grey-haired boy raising his hand.

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually, I wanna fight... her."

Mercury points to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Me?"

Glynda: "I'm afraid Miss. Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner."

Pyrrha: "No, it's fine! I'd be happy to oblige."

Mercury struts into the arena, visibly sizing up Pyrrha before starting the fight, Mercury charges in and kicks at Pyrrha, but she lunges forward and blocks it with her shield then she sweeps his other leg from beneath him with Miló. He falls onto his back but then kicks his legs into the air, spins on his hands, and does a double back handspring. The two stop and stare at each other for a second as Pyrrha stands up from a kneeling position. She runs forward to attack, but Mercury strikes first, leading her to instead block the first kick with Miló and a second with her shield, before turning around and blocking a further barrage of kicks with her shield.

Meanwhile, Ruby turns toward Emerald sitting behind her.

Ruby: "Hey, your friend's doing pretty good."

Emerald gives a fake smile and then rolls her eyes as Ruby turns her back.

Pyrrha ended the barrage by hitting his leg away with Miló, creating an opening for her to ram her shield into him. He lands on his feet and slides to a stop some distance away. Slightly impressed, Mercury tilts his head and gives a slight nod with a "Hm". He then leaps into the air and, with a spin, brings his foot down on Pyrrha's, making her jump back slightly. After landing on the floor and dropping to his hands and feet, Mercury spins with one leg out, but Pyrrha raised her own foot over it and stepped backwards. He quickly stands and leaps into the air, kicking at her, but she blocked it with her shield.

As Pyrrha turns, dives, and rolls away, Mercury continues his spin, swinging his leg high in the air, only to find that she had moved away from him. He chuckles while Pyrrha instantly right herself, crouching on the floor with her shield in front of her. She flipped Miló in her hand so that the blade points behind her. Mercury then charges forward, leaps, and lands three consecutive kicks on her shield. She moves her shield to the side and begins to raise Miló, but Mercury kicks her shield, then quickly switches in mid-air and kicks the arm with which she is holding Miló, before switching once again to kick your shield.

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