A Million Stories

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My eyes widened as Sonny just nodded.

"Well take me...right now"

"Well.....uh... okay."

With that, we grabbed our coats and went out the door.


"Are we there yet?"

Sonny shook his head. "Almost, you got to be patient Ellie"

He pulled up to a small house. "Are you serious...this is where they are?"

I pulled out a knife from my pocket. "Wait...whoa whoa whoa...why did you bring that?"

"Why wouldn't I...?"

I put it back in my pocket and banged on the door. "Ellie what the hell, this isn't where they are.."

Before I could scream at him, A boy opened the door. It was Jack.

"Ellie...Oh my gosh!" He hugged me and held my hand and pulled me inside. "Hi Sonny!"

Sonny waved and stepped in the house. "Amber as been out for a while.....if your looking for her she isn't here."

"So...Ellie... What's up?"

I shrugged. To be honest....I could tell him a million stories about how things never really work out in my life.

Jack looked Down. "So why are you here?"

"Well....how long has Amber been gone for?"

"Well....every now and then she comes here for a day or two and then leaves again. Its been going on for like...two months."

"Well....do you know where she is?"



Sorry its stupid. Im tired. I have a huge day ahead of me tomorrow


Revenge (Part Three To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now