We Will

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I walked towards the car as Sonny crossed his arms. "Who was that on the roof?"

"Kara.... a girl who is just like Mallory."

Sonny nodded his head. "No sign of Eleanor... or Amber?"

I shook my head. "Someone painted over the names."

Sonny gasped. "Are you kidding me?"

"Im afraid not..."

Sonny punched the car. "Its not fair...those were memory's! Memory's of the people who were killed and never found!"

I nodded. "Yea...there were at least fifty names..."

Sonny looked at the house. "Okay Ellie... get in the car Let's go."

I went in the car and we drove off.


we got home and I just went strait for my room and buried myself under the covers as Sonny followed me.

"So Uh...Ellie, I wasn't really...well...I didn't really know what day it was today....and I felt like crap."

I laughed. "Its fine"

"No its not fine."

I sat up in my bed when I saw something behind Sonny's back.

"You didn't have too..."

"Yes...Yes I did. I know its not much but....Oh well."

He held out a knife with a red handle with my name carved on it.

Elizabeth Baker

I looked at Sonny. We both started to laugh. "Did you carve this in with another knife?"

He laughed and nodded. 

I smiled. "I love this knife already. I'll use it for everything."

"Well....that's good to hear. Happy birthday Ellie.... I uh..."


"I Uh, I love you..."

"I...love you too."

Sonny nodded and walked away. Ever since Eleanor had for away, we haven't really been saying 'I Love You' a lot.

I hope all of this changes soon. And it will. Because we will find Eleanor.

We will.


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