All I Want

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By the time we got to Marshall's Eleanor was asleep. We got out of the car as Sirah knocked on the door.

Marshall opened it and widened his eyes. "Okay, she is not coming in."

Sirah rolled her eyes. "You're being a jerk Marshall let her in. She didn't kill the girl, her brother did. That's why she is staying with me."

Marshall stood there for a minute and nodded.

I came in and walked strait up to Marshall. "I know its not late but I kind of want to sleep, its been a long day...."

Marshall seemed to understand and nodded. "Well, all I have is the couch..."

Sirah shook her head. "No, Ellie take the guest room and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Uh, Marshall can I use your phone too?"

Marshall nodded and handed me the phone. I called Darin.


"Hey Darin."

"Ellie! Uh, I know I just saw you but me and my mom just got into a huge fight. Came I come over....I totally understand if i can't...."

"Well, im at someone's house....can I give you their address?"

"Yea sure..."

I gave him the address and hung up. Eleanor was barley awake. I was afraid to put her anywhere besides in my arms. I kept on thinking about the note.

I walked out to Sirah, "Hey Sirah....can you watch Eleanor... I'm going to take a walk..."

"No problem kiddo, I understand that you've had a tough day.."

I walked outside and sat on the porch, I waited a few minutes and Darin came.

Darin looked upset. He got off his bike and sighed.

"My mom hates me."

I laughed a little, "not as much as my mom hates me..."

"What do you mean?"

"My mom's trying to kill me"

"What? Call the cops!"

"Its a bit to late for that....they already know, I called them when Eleanor went missing."

"Wow....that makes my reason pure crap."

I laughed, "well its probably not....but tell me anyways."


After talking to Darin, he went back home and I went in the house. Sirah gave me Eleanor and I went in bed as Eleanor was asleep in my arms.

Turns out Darin's mom slapped him when he snuck out to my old house. The girls went to the house a bit earlier and got away with it. But he wanted to stay with me for a bit longer.

I felt bad. For him, and for Sonny. I just left him. For some reason I knew he didn't mean what he said about Mallory.....

But im just glad im able to sleep, because I know Eleanor is safe in my arms.


Sonnys POV

Knowing that Ellie is on the streets makes me want to cry. I am so nervous.

This is all my fault. I killed Amber. I got angry. I told her it was her fault that her sister died.

God forbid Ellie died and someone told me it was my fault I would beat them so badly.

And she took Eleanor with her.....

I did the best I could. I can't call the cops, I asked Sirah a bunch of times, I screamed her name while I was on the sidewalk, hell, I even prayed.

All I want right now is Ellie in my arms. That's all I want.






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