Anti Social

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Kara started to tear up.


"Yea...sorry if I...uh.... upset you."

"No...its fine im the one who asked."

There was a long silence.

"'s your birthday?"

I nodded.

"Do you miss it here?"

I nodded again.

Kara nodded.

"Well....Uh, will I see you tomorrow? Uh, Ellie? "

"I don't know....I came here for someone else... Maybe."

"Yea, Maybe you can meet my sister too! She loves coming here, she thinks your so brave. Her name is Veronica. She is fourteen too!"

"Oh, that's nice...."

"Are you anti social?"

"Am I what?"

"Anti don't really like people..."

"I hate people " I laughed.

She did too. She stood up as I did too. "I have a brother too. My twin actually....his name is Darin, he kind of likes you too."

I raised my eyebrow. "How does your family know me?"

" mom wanted to buy this house, but it wasn't for sale and we wanted to know the reason she looked up the history of the house...and Uh, Yea."

I nodded. Kara started laughing.


"Darin loves you, while we were looking at the history, there was a picture of you and he was just staring at it"

I rolled my eyes. "That's your idea of 'love'? "

Kara laughed and jumped off the roof. "Bye Ellie"


She ran away as I sat down again. She reminds me of Mallory.

I laughed at myself, as I jumped off the roof.

"Hah, Anti social..."


Im Honestly going through a lot of stuff at home so im sorry.  Plus im only Writing this for you guys cause ily all.


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