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I literally ran out of the apartment and went in the elevator and ran out of the building in tears.

Eleanor just stared at me the whole entire time. Then I knew where to go.


The taxi finally got to my old house. But Kara was there. I know I said I would Listen to the note but then again I don't know.....

She didn't seem so bad.

Then I realized she had two people with her. Probably her brother and sister.

I looked at Eleanor who looked back at me, her eyes were exactly like mine. Bright green.

I gave the taxi guy fifteen dollars and told him to come back in three hours.

I took a deep breath and went in the house and went up the roof. Kara smiled.

"Hi Ellie!"

"Hi guys, Uh, this is Eleanor."

Kara walked up to her. "She is just so cute! She looks a lot like you too!"

I smiled as a boy and a girl looked at me. "Oh, sorry guys, Ellie, that's Darin, and that's Veronica."

Veronica smiled, "Hi Ellie! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi!" I said.

I turned to Darin who's cheeks were really red. My cheeks were probably burning too.

"Uh, Hey" He said as he shyly smiled.


Kara smiled and started to laugh as Veronica did too.

I have to admit, Darin was really good looking, he was buff, he has a little raspy tone to his voice, he has dark hazel eyes, brown messy hair...

"So Ellie, What's up?"

I looked at Kara, "well....Uh, me and Sonny got into a huge fight so..."

"Oh no! Its okay, you'll have fun hanging out with us."


I guess Kara was right. I had a lot of fun. Veronica played with Eleanor the whole time while me, Darin, And Kara had fun.

"Okay Ellie Well, im going to go home now, are you guys coming?"

Veronica nodded and gave me Eleanor but Darin shook his head. "Nah, I'm going to stay with Ellie"

"Uh, are you sure Darin? My taxi comes here in like fifteen minutes."

Darin shrugged as Veronica and Kara jumped off the roof. Darin took out a pen and looked at me, "do you have a phone?"

I nodded, he wrote his number on my arm as I smiled. "Am I really that interesting?"

Darin laughed. "Your one of the most interesting people I know, and I've known you for two and a half hours."

I laughed. "Uh, where do you live..?"

"In an apartment"

"Here, write down the address on my arm."

I did. And Darin smiled. My taxi pulled up. "Uh, I have to go....see you..."

"Tomorrow, you'll see me tomorrow, I'll ride my bike to you."

I smiled. "Okay, see you tomorrow."

I jumped off the roof with Eleanor in my hands, and went into the taxi.


By the time I got to the building it was around 6:00pm. I was afriad to go to go in my apartment.

I went in, took the elevator, and knocked on Sirahs door. She opened it and gasped.

"Ellie! Do you know how worried Sonny is? He knocked on my door at least ten times!"

"Sirah, I need to stay at your place...just for this night. I promise."

"Ellie, im getting ready to leave to stay at marshalls for a week. Unless your willing to come with me...."

I frantically nodded my head.

"Okay Ellie, but I can't just drive you home whenever you want. If you feel like walking home from Marshall's then that's fine, it only takes a few minutes. Okay?"

I nodded. So me, Eleanor, and Sirah took off.



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